I was at Human Life International (HLI) headquarters in Front Royal, Virginia, in the US, earlier this month meeting Monsignor Barreiro, head of HLI's Rome office & currently working at HLI HQ. I was en route to Cleveland, Ohio, where I was speaking on "Why the Pro-life Movement must embrace marriage and the family or face defeat" at Cleveland Right to Life's Convention.
Whilst there I had the pleasure of meeting again and interviewing Fr Peter West, vice-president of Mission for HLI.
We spoke about the worldwide work of Human Life International, in over 100 countries, many of the poorest countries in the world where they are building opposition to the culture of death. "We are small but we are the oftentimes the conscience ... we are a voice which the opposition wants to stamp out ... It's a struggle between David and Goliath" he told me.
We spoke about same-sex marriage, about contraception being at the foundation of the culture of death, and about the terrible damage done by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., president of the University of Notre Dame from 1952 to 1987, about whom Fr West has written recently, whose heterodox influence has been felt around the world which resulted in the loss of Catholic character of so many "Catholic" colleges around the world.
Fr Peter West's powerful educational ministry can be followed on Facebook and Twitter.
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A blog launched on the 41st anniversary of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), the first pro-life organisation in the world, established on 11 January 1967. I wrote this blog in my role as SPUC's chief executive, commenting on pro-life news, reflecting on pro-life issues and promoting SPUC's work. I retired from my post on 31st August 2021 and will therefore be adding no further posts.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Cardinal Nichols' criticism of faithful priests is deeply disturbing
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Cardinal Nichols conducting dialogue on the Synod via the press |
I am deeply disturbed by Cardinal Nichols' criticism of the 461 brave priests who signed a letter upholding the unchangeable teachings of the Catholic Church on marriage and Holy Communion.
In the letter, which was published in the Catholic Herald yesterday, priests from all over England and Wales pledged to remain faithful to Catholic teaching and to offer true pastoral care to all those who find themselves in difficult situations.
A statement made by Cardinal Nichols' spokesman said:
“Every priest in England and Wales has been asked to reflect on the Synod discussion. It is my understanding that this has been taken up in every diocese, and that channels of communication have been established.”It continued:
“The pastoral experience and concern of all priests in these matters are of great importance and are welcomed by the Bishops. Pope Francis has asked for a period of spiritual discernment. This dialogue, between a priest and his bishop, is not best conducted through the press.”I find this statement astonishing for a number of reasons.
Firstly, Cardinal Nichols has himself used the press to indicate sympathy for views being promoted by the "radical elements" (to use Cardinal Pell's phrase) who want to dismantle Catholic teaching on marriage and the family.
I drew attention yesterday to the press conference at which Cardinal Nichols undermined Catholic teaching on the reception of Holy Communion by the divorced and "remarried".
The Cardinal also used the press to express his disappointment that the final report of the synod did not include controversial phrases originally placed in the notorious interim report. He told BBC Radio 4’s Sunday programme:
“I didn’t think it went far enough, there were three key words as far as I was concerned … ‘respect’, ‘welcome’ and ‘value’. I was looking for those words and they weren’t there and so I didn’t think that was a good paragraph.”He added:
“I didn’t think it was a good text because it didn’t include those words strongly enough so I wasn’t satisfied with it.”Secondly, it is hardly surprising that priests faithful to Catholic teaching would lack confidence in the "channels of communication" that are claimed to "have been established." I also mentioned yesterday that the official document produced by Bishops' Conference of England and Wales for clergy seemed nothing other than an instrument for intimidating priests who wish to remain faithful to the Church's traditional doctrine and discipline.
Is it any surprise that these brave priests would wish to speak directly to the Catholic faithful rather than trust "channels of communication" established by the same people responsible for this truly disgraceful document?
Indeed, in their press statement an anonymous priest was quoted who alleged that priests involved in the project had been intimidated by "senior churchmen."
Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, how can any Catholic bishop object to priests using the media to express their loyalty to the teaching of Christ and their desire to give true pastoral care to all who need it?
Catholics should be very disturbed by the Cardinal's comments; very disturbed indeed.
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The Annunciation reminds us of the pro-life movement's sacred work
Monsignor Barreiro's and Father Peter West's article "Salvation begins in the womb; honouring the Annunciation" reminds us of the sacred work of the pro-life movement which seeks to protect Christ Himself in Whose image and likeness all of us are made at the moment of our conception. It's also a reminder why we must patiently and charitably correct our colleagues in the international pro-life movement who do not yet understand that we must explicitly oppose contraceptive drugs and devices which, according to the manufacturers, can stop the newly-conceived embryo from implanting in the lining of the womb. One of the consequences of failing to do so is the virtually worldwide acceptance of the IVF industry - including amongst Church-goers. According to peer-reviewed research up to 23 babies are killed (discarded), or used in destructive human embryo research, or frozen, or miscarry, for every one baby born by IVF. Today's culture of death is characterised by contempt for the the human embryo - contempt for our Saviour Jesus Christ Who began His life in the womb of Our Lady, the Mother of God, Whose consent to our redemption we celebrate today in the feast of the Annunciation.
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Tuesday, 24 March 2015
“Senior churchmen” accused of intimidating clergy faithful to Catholic teaching on marriage
I was greatly encouraged to read this morning the press statement released by the co-ordinator of the “Support Marriage Letter”, which reveals that 461 priests from across England and Wales have signed a letter urging those cardinals and bishops attending the Ordinary Synod to uphold Catholic teaching on the nature of marriage and to affirm the unchangeable doctrine and discipline of the Church regarding the reception of Holy Communion by divorced persons living in invalid civil unions.
The priests’ letter says:
“We affirm the importance of upholding the Church’s traditional discipline regarding the reception of the sacraments, and that doctrine and practice remain firmly and inseparably in harmony.”
I was however greatly concerned to read in their press statement the accusation that there “has been a certain amount of pressure not to sign the letter and indeed a degree of intimidation from some senior Churchmen”.
It should be shocking to us to hear that senior clerics are intimidating priests who simply wish to remain faithful to the unchanging teachings of the Church. Unfortunately, I was not surprised by this allegation.
Back in December the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales published a document that insinuated that priests who remain faithful to the Catholic doctrine and discipline of the sacraments are guilty of an attitude similar to the fourth century heresy of Donatism. It is difficult to see this as anything other than an attempt to intimidate clergy who are unwilling to go along with the radical agenda being pursued by senior clerics, particularly with regard to the reception of Holy Communion by the divorced and “remarried”, and with regard to attempts to undermine the teaching of the Church on homosexuality and same-sex unions.
The President of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, Vincent Cardinal Nichols, indicated his openness to the reception of Holy Communion by the divorced and “remarried” at a press conference on 21st October 2014 despite authoritative and irreformable Church teaching to the contrary.
Cardinal Nichols’ views on, and approach towards, homosexuality and same-sex unions have been documented many times on this blog:
- Pope Benedict is being shepherded into a political correct broad church of England, 4 July 2010
- Archbishop Vincent Nichols goes along with prevailing ideas on sex and relationships education, 21 April 2010
- Archbishop Nichols’ shows remarkable political prescience, 21 July 2010
- Families will not “hold their tongue” about bishop protected dissent on pro-life/pro-family issues, 9 September 2010
- Archbishop Nichols’ comments on gay unions endanger the souls of my children, 11 September 2010
- Pope Benedict contradicts Archbishop Nichols on “gay unions”, 13 September 2010
- Archbishop Nichols undermines Pope Benedict on gay unions the day after his return to Rome, 23 September 2010
- A reflection on Archbishop Nichols’ earlier comments on gay unions, 24 September 2010
- Archbishop Nichols should stop causing confusion regarding homosexuality, 12 January 2011
- Archbishop Nichols' Pastoral Centre to host conference for dissenting Catholic gays, 14 July 2011
- Concern grows regarding Cardinal Nichols’ views on compulsory sex education, 4 April 2014
His Eminence Vincent Cardinal Nichols
Archbishop of Westminster
Archbishop’s House
Ambrosden Avenue
Rt Rev Peter Doyle
Bishop of Northampton
Bishop's House
Marriott Street
Rt Rev Philip Egan
Bishop of Portsmouth (substitute if one of the above cannot attend)
Bishop's House
Bishop Crispan Way
Please also write to your own bishops to state your expectation that they will remain faithful to Catholic teaching on human life, marriage and the family and their intimate and intrinsic connection to the doctrine of the sacraments.
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Monday, 23 March 2015
Head of Scotland's Catholic bishops says links between Church and SPUC will be strengthened by SPUC Pro-Life Scotland's new CEO
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John Deighan |
“The links between the church and SPUC in Scotland are already strong, but they will be strengthened and renewed as a result of John’s appointment.”SPUC Pro-Life Scotland pointed to John’s long involvement in pro-life work, which began in the 1990s when he chaired the East Kilbride SPUC group.
Below are the full statements from the Catholic Church in Scotland and SPUC Pro-Life Scotland welcoming John's appointment. I would like to take this opportunity, not only to extend a warm welcome to John, but also to express my gratitude to Donna Nicholson for her many years of hard work and flair as Director of SPUC Pro-Life Scotland.
Statement from the Scottish Catholic Media Office:
Monday 23 March 2015
Bishops thank Parliamentary Officer for service
Scotland’s Catholic Bishops have thanked their Parliamentary Officer Mr John Deighan for his “resolute and dedicated service” to the Bishops’’ Conference over the past 16 years. Mr Deighan, who leaves to take up the post of Chief Executive Officer of SPUC (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children) Scotland next month became the Catholic Church’s Parliamentary Officer in 1999 at the inception of the Scottish Parliament.
Commenting on the move, Archbishop Philip Tartaglia, President of the Bishops’ Conference said;
“John has provided dedicated and energetic service to the church in Scotland for 16 years and we wish him well in his new role. His ability to skilfully analyse political developments and track legislative changes has been immensely helpful to the Bishops’ Conference.”
The Archbishop added;
“The links between the church and SPUC in Scotland are already strong, but they will be strengthened and renewed as a result of John’s appointment.”
Responding to the Archbishop’s comments. John Deighan said;
“I have been privileged to work with the Scottish Bishops during a period of great political and parliamentary change and thank them all for their support and friendship over many years.”
“The greatest human rights challenge of our time is the right to life from conception. SPUC had been an outstanding organisation in its efforts to defend unborn children and those threatened by euthanasia. I greatly look forward to leading the organisation as it continues its work in this vital area and to continued collaboration with the Bishops’ Conference. I am confident there is much we can do to bring the justice of our cause to the attention of our fellow citizens and our politicians.”
Peter Kearney
Catholic Media Office
5 St. Vincent Place
G1 2DH
0141 221 1168(T)
0141 204 2458(F)
07968 122291(M)
Note to Editors:
1. John Deighan was appointed Parliamentary Officer to the Bishops’ Conference in June 1999, a new post, created by the Catholic Church to coincide with the re-establishment of the Scottish Parliament, he will take up his new post on 20 April 2015.
2. For further information on SPUC Scotland, contact Stephen Shaw on 01466 751267 (on Wednesday 25 and on Thursday 26 March call 0141 221 2094)
Statement from SPUC Pro-Life Scotland:
Appointment of New CEOComments on this blog? Email them to johnsmeaton@spuc.org.uk
SPUC Pro-Life Scotland is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr John Deighan as their new Chief Executive Officer following 15 years as Parliamentary Officer with the Catholic Bishop’s Conference in Scotland where a considerable part of his work was in the pro-life field, particularly on the end of life issues of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
John’s long involvement in pro-life work began in the 1990s when he chaired the East Kilbride SPUC Group. He stood as a pro-life parliamentary candidate in both the 1997 General Election and the Paisley South by-election later the same year and has for the past nine years run the Paisley Pro-Life Group.
This strong foundation of pro-life work coupled with his extensive knowledge of the Holyrood Parliament gained through his role with the Scottish Catholic Bishop’s Conference made him the ideal candidate for the position.
Welcoming the appointment, Stephen Shaw, Board Chairman of SPUC Pro-Life Scotland stated
“We are delighted that John has accepted our offer and we feel confident that his appointment will bring a new enthusiasm for the pro-life cause in Scotland. I feel sure his undoubted commitment will encourage others to be more active and will attract new supporters to work in defence of life at all stages of its development, from conception to natural death”
For further information please contact
Stephen Shaw
0141 221 2094
Ian Murray
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Thursday, 19 March 2015
Over 2 million IVF embryos killed since 1990
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frozen embryos at risk |
The number of embryos killed in the UK has increased almost every year since records began, now amounting to 170,000 a year, according to new figures. The same figures also show that 2,053,656 embryos have been killed since 1990. The figures are held by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) and were released in a parliamentary answer to Lord Alton. [Catholic Herald, 11 Mar]
France considers "deep sleep" bill
A bill to allow patients to halt treatment and be given general anaesthesia until death will be debated in the French parliament tomorrow. Jean Leonetti of the UMP party said: "The patient has to be at the end of their life and suffering despite the treatment given...When these elements are present, I (the doctor) am obliged to start sedation that is deep and continues until death". Representatives of the Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities in France have opposed the legislation. [France 24, 10 Mar]
Dublin rally challenges media's pro-abortion bias
A rally in Dublin against the media's basis against the pro-life cause was attended by 300 demonstrators in Dublin last week. The rally, entitled "33 to 1: Challenging Media Bias" was organised by the Pro-life Campaign. Wendy Grace of the Pro-Life Campaign told The Irish Times that the title of the rally was chosen because 33 pro-abortion articles had been published in the Irish media compared to just one pro-life article within a period of two weeks. [Irish Times, 11 Mar]
Pro-abortion buffer-zone campaign is money-driven and anti-women
The abortion industry's "Back-Off" campaign is a money-driven exercise designed to stop women receiving help to avoid abortions. Paul Tully, SPUC's general secretary, said: "The campaign against these pro-life counsellors is being supported and run by private abortion clinics and others with financial interests in abortion. They do not want women getting help to avoid abortions." [SPUC, 4 Mar]
Other stories:
- Pro-life group calls for end to use of term "incompatible with life" [TheJournal, 9 Mar]
- Mass takes place in a former abortuary [Catholic World Report, 6 March]
- Another Irish MP launches bill to allow abortion of terminally-ill children [Clare FM, 5 Mar]
- UN committee targets Ecuador over abortion restrictions [LifeNews.com, 3 Mar]
- Scientists call for halt on embryo modification research [Reuters, 12 March]
- Woman gives birth to her own son's IVF baby [Mail, 5 Mar]
- Australian Medical Association expels Philip Nitschke [Mercatornet, 12 Mar]
- Victory in Canadian court against euthanasia by omission [Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, 3 Mar]
- Chinese mothers travel to US to give birth [Vice, 10 March]
- Chinese regime says: no further adjustments to population control policy [EU Reporter, 5 Mar]
- Polish Bishops’ Conference rejects Holy Communion for divorced and "remarried" [Voice of the Family, 17 Mar]
- Catholic authorities' platform for Fr Radcliffe is a grave betrayal of trust [John Smeaton, 16 Mar]
- Catholic bishops of Ireland urge serious reflection on SSM referendum [Zenit, 11 Mar]
- Same-sex marriage: Children are being sacrificed on the altar of adults' "sexual rights" [John Smeaton, 11 Mar]
- Cardinal calls for saint-like love in defence of marriage [Voice of the Family, 9 Mar]
- Three Thai homosexuals 'marry' in Buddhist ceremony [New York Post, 27 Feb]
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Monday, 16 March 2015
Catholic authorities' platform for Fr Radcliffe is a grave betrayal of trust
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Young people, their parents and clergy were betrayed by organisers of Flame 2 youth event |
Fr Radcliffe will be speaking tomorrow evening on the theme "Tolerant and Free despite being Catholic" as part of the Archdiocese of Westminster’s “Faith Matters” series of Lenten talks at Vaughan House.
Even more disturbing was Fr Radcliffe’s invitation to address thousands of young people at the Flame 2 youth event earlier this month. To invite a known dissenter from Catholic teaching like Fr Radcliffe to speak to young people, under the cover of a supposedly Catholic youth event, was a grave betrayal of the trust that parents and clergy across the country placed in the organisers - and a betrayal of the young people who expect to be taught the truth in love.
Please read my brief outline of Fr Radcliffe’s dissent from Catholic teaching below and please write to the organisers of both events charitably to express your concerns.
From a pro-life perspective, it is absolute essential that we act now to protect our children and grandchildren’s right to receive the Catholic faith from Catholic authorities - on matters relating to human sexuality, remembering the words of Pope John Paul II in Evangelium Vitae paragraph 97, where he taught that it is an illusion to think that we can build a true culture of human life if we do not offer adolescents and young adults an authentic education in sexuality, and in love, and the whole of life according to their true meaning and in their close interconnection.
To express your concerns about “Faith Matters” contact:
Ausra Karaliute, STL
Adult Faith Formation Adviser
Agency for Evangelisation
Vaughan House
46 Francis Street
Email: ausrakaraliute@rcdow.org.uk or Ausara Karaliute's immediate manager Bishop Hudson at nicholashudson@rcdow.org.uk
“Flame 2” contact:
Email: ausrakaraliute@rcdow.org.uk or Ausara Karaliute's immediate manager Bishop Hudson at nicholashudson@rcdow.org.uk
“Flame 2” contact:
CYMFed Board
Catholic Youth Ministry Federation
39 Eccleston Square
London, SW1V 1BX
Outline of Fr Radcliffe’s dissent from Catholic teaching
In the context of Fr Radcliffe's open dissent from Catholic teaching on homosexuality, it's important to keep in mind the teaching of the Church as expressed in The Catechism of the Catholic Church:
In the context of Fr Radcliffe's open dissent from Catholic teaching on homosexuality, it's important to keep in mind the teaching of the Church as expressed in The Catechism of the Catholic Church:
2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.In his submission to the Church of England Pilling Commission on human sexuality, chaired by Sir Joseph Pilling, Fr Radcliffe made the following comments about “gay sexuality”:
“We must ask what it means, and how far it is Eucharistic. Certainly it can be generous, vulnerable, tender, mutual and non-violent. So in many ways, I would think that it can be expressive of Christ’s self-gift.
“We can also see how it can be expressive of mutual fidelity, a covenantal relationship in which two people bind themselves to each other for ever.”
"This is not to denigrate committed love of people of the same sex. This too should be cherished and supported, which is why church leaders are slowly coming to support same-sex civil unions. The God of love can be present in every true love."
The confusion caused to those attending the “Soho masses” was eloquently described by Mrs Daphne McLeod of the organisation Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice:
“I do feel that this pretence and condoning is not in any way compassionate or pastoral. These Catholics need and deserve proper guidance, especially the young one who have not received good religious instruction. I cannot forget the poor young man who said to me ‘Don’t worry about Daphne, if it were still wrong these Masses wouldn’t have been arranged especially for us.’”
In a 26 November 2005 article in The Tablet entitled "Can gays be priests?" Fr Radcliffe rejected the clear teaching of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's document on "Persons with homosexual tendencies and the priesthood".
The document states that it is forbidden to ordain men with “deep-seated homosexual tendencies” to the priesthood. Fr Radcliffe responded:
“...we may presume that God will continue to call both homosexuals and heterosexuals to the priesthood because the Church needs the gift of both.”
"The article has done a disservice to the Church...by attempting to deconstruct the Vatican warnings ... In unjustly deriding the Vatican warnings, Fr. Radcliffe has given succor to other detractors."
In 2006, Fr Radcliffe joined Britain's leading dissenting “Catholics” in contributing an essay to "Opening up: Speaking out in the Church", a book of essays produced as a tribute to Martin Pendergast, one of Britain's leading Christian homosexual activists and one of the organisers of the Soho gay Masses. The book co-edited by Julian Filochowski, Pendergast's civil partner, and Peter Stanford, another well-known dissenter from Catholic sexual ethics.
On 10 July 2009, Fr Radcliffe gave a talk to a Catholic parish in Mashpee, Massachusetts, which he said:
On 10 July 2009, Fr Radcliffe gave a talk to a Catholic parish in Mashpee, Massachusetts, which he said:
"It's not that sexual ethics are particularly important. I don't think they are" (video at 8min40sec)
"We have to find ways of promoting our vision of the Christian family so as we can have a context within which to raise children, another generation; but we have to do it in a way which doesn't trash the relationships that people actually have." (video at 1min)
This echoes Fr Radcliffe's words in:
- a 28 January 2006 article in The Tablet ("How to discover what we believe") in which he wrote:"[S]hould the Church accommodate her teaching to the experience of our contemporaries or should we stick by our traditional sexual ethics and risk becoming a fortress Church, a small minority out of step with people’s lives? Neither option seems right ... I confess that I do not know the answer."
During his 2009 Mashpee talk, Fr Radcliffe was asked about relations between the Catholic Church and the newly-elected strongly pro-abortion President Barack Obama. He replied (video at 9mins28secs) that:
"I think that the most important thing is to have a mutually-respectful dialogue with President Obama. He is a very bright man. I have to say that when he was elected, in England you cannot believe the excitement we had. And I believe that he is a man with whom the Church can be in dialogue, on all sorts of issues."
Fr Radcliffe then called to the stage Professor Thomas Groome to speak as an expert on the Church's "dialogue" with Mr Obama. As LifeSiteNews.com has detailed, Professor Groome is a leading dissenter from Catholic teaching within the world of Catholic education. Cardinal George Pell banned his books within the Archdiocese of Sydney. Professor Groome said (video at 0mins40secs) that:
- Obama "on many, many issues, really embraces Catholic social teaching"
- "many Catholics would not be in favour" of banning all abortions
- banning all abortions would "to send abortions back to the back-alleys of our country"
- Obama is "deeply committed to reducing the numbers of abortions"
- Catholics "can work with" Obama on the abortion issue.
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Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Cardinal calls for saint-like love in defence of marriage

Cardinal calls for saint-like love in defence of marriage
9 March 2015: A prominent Cardinal of the Catholic Church has called for Catholics to imitate the Christian martyrs in defence of marriage and human life.
His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke made the call this past weekend in addresses for Voice of the Family http://voiceofthefamily.info/ and the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) www.spuc.org.uk in Chester and Southport, north-west England.
On Friday evening in Chester there was standing-room only as the Cardinal spoke on the theme “Remaining in the Truth of Christ on Holy Matrimony” [full text: Cardinal Burke Chester 20150306]. Bishop Mark Davies, Catholic bishop of Shrewsbury was present, as were many priests, journalists and families who had travelled from all over the UK. Cardinal Burke said: “Today, for example, we sadly find the need to speak about ‘traditional’ marriage, as if there were another kind of marriage. There is only one kind of marriage as God has given it to us from the Creation and as Christ has redeemed it by His saving Passion and Death.”
He continued: “Even within the Church, there are those who would obscure the truth of the indissolubility of marriage in the name of mercy, who condone the violation of the conjugal union by means of contraception in the name of pastoral understanding, and who, in the name of tolerance, remain silent about the attack on the very integrity of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.”
The cardinal said that the faithful must be ready to suffer, as Christians have suffered down the ages, to defend the sanctity of Holy Matrimony.
Many people attending the address asked Cardinal Burke to autograph their copies of “Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church”, the popular Ignatius Press book co-authored by the cardinal on authentic Catholic teaching on marriage and the Sacraments.
On Saturday evening Cardinal Burke also addressed 150 young people at SPUC’s annual youth conference in Southport on the theme of “The New Evangelisation of the Fallen Christian West“. He started his address by saying that he had long admired SPUC, its work and John Smeaton, its chief executive.
Cardinal Burke described the family home as “the cradle of life” and lamented the wholesale destruction of the baby in the womb. He asserted that there is no such thing as ‘alternative sexualities’, only sexuality as enshrined by God in human nature.
On Sunday morning he celebrated Pontifical Low Mass in the traditional Roman rite at the Church of Ss. Peter and Paul and St Philomena, New Brighton. In his homily on the Gospel text of the Mass, Cardinal Burke said that our Lord warns the faithful to be aware of those things which lead them into repeating sins, such as those of lust.
Today the cardinal is making a pilgrimage to the Shrine of St Augustine, Ramsgate to pray for England. During his visit the cardinal urged the faithful to turn to the intercession of Our Lady of Walsingham and the many English martyrs and saints, especially St Thomas More as a martyr for uncompromising obedience in conscience to the moral law. The true understanding of conscience (recognition of truth) is held by the Church, in contrast to the world’s false understanding (relativism), he said. In public life, only being true to the natural moral law can serve the common good.
For more information, please contact Voice of the Family:
- email enquiry@voiceofthefamily.info
- telephone: +44 (0)20 7820 3148 (UK landline)
About Voice of the Family:
Voice of the Family is an initiative of Catholic laity from major pro-life/pro-family organisations.> Find out more
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Same-sex marriage: Children are being sacrificed on the altar of adults' "sexual rights"
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Jerry Cirino, chairman of Cleveland Right to Life, introduces Molly Smith, Cleveland Right to Life president, to speakers and volunteers at last weekend's convention |
Like SPUC did (in November 2011), last year Cleveland Right to Life committed themselves to defend marriage, the permanent exclusive union of a man and a woman, and to oppose same-sex marriage.
My talk, which you can read in full on the SPUC website, spelled out the empirical evidence which overwhelmingly shows that marriage as an institution is fatally wounded by redefining it to include same-sex couples and that those who suffer as a result are, above all, children. We are sacrificing children on the altar of adults' sexual rights.
I say:
"... Legalising “same-sex marriage” is not a question of being kind to people with same-sex attraction and letting them get married if they want to. It is a question of the destruction of the family, the oldest human institution in the world, which protects the mental and physical wellbeing of men, women and children. No other grouping offers such a high level of that security and stability that human beings need to flourish. Research shows overwhelmingly that children growing up within marriage do better in terms of health, educational success, happiness, careers and their own marriages. It is precisely because children matter, that real marriage between one man and one woman matters so much ..."I also describe in some detail the serious danger to marriage and the family, and to our children in particular, posed by a political agenda at work at the Family Synod, to destroy the entire edifice of Catholic teaching on human sexuality.
"... The destruction of traditional family structures has very grave consequences for all members of society, but it is children, born and unborn, who are especially vulnerable. Government statistics from the United Kingdom show that children conceived outside of marriage are 4 to 5 times more likely to be aborted than those conceived within marriage.
There’s a website I looked up when I was preparing this talk called Rainforest Concern. Rainforest Concern tells us that half of the Earth’s wildlife and at least two-thirds of its plant species live in tropical rainforests ... These plants provide food and shelter for many rare animals that depend on the rainforest for their survival ... Destroy the rainforest and you destroy protection for that wildlife ... In the same way, the family, founded on marriage between a man and a woman is the natural habitat of children, of unborn children. Indeed, the natural family is a pre-political and pre-Christian institution. Destroy that institution in society and you destroy protection for children, both born and unborn.
Historically, our nations’ laws protected unborn children from being killed, and so, quite logically and rightly, pro-life movements worldwide have worked tirelessly to restore, or to uphold, such laws.
By the same token, historically, families based on the indissoluble union in marriage of a man and a woman, have provided children, both born and unborn, with their best hope of life and fulfilment in life ... so, quite logically and rightly, pro-life movements worldwide must work tirelessly to defend marriage and the family.
The pro-life movement cannot possibly succeed in its efforts to end abortion if the family based on marriage between a man and a woman is destroyed.
What’s more, a major way in which the so-called “homosexual rights” lobby is actively undermining the family and the culture of life, is through targeting its message at little children in their schools including, in the UK, I am ashamed to say as a Catholic myself, in Catholic primary schools. I have little doubt that the same pattern is repeated in other countries too.
I am sorry to have to share with you that homosexual militants are being invited into schools in Britain, including into Catholic schools with the blessing of the local bishop, to train teachers how to educate little boys as young as four years old that they might grow up to marry a man rather than a woman – and the same with little girls.
Catholic schools in Britain, and around the world, have long been complicit in the culture of death, providing access to abortion and contraception for the under 16s without parental knowledge. This is happening, to my shame as a Catholic, with the co-operation of the Catholic authorities.
Now what happens when little Johnny at Our Lady’s School, say, in south London, says to his teacher: “Please Miss! Can boys who grow up to marry a man have babies like mummies and daddies can?” Without a shadow of doubt, very many teachers will say “Yes they can. In a different way ... but yes they can.”
As you know, same-sex couples are now demanding the right to have children– making it even more difficult for pro-life groups effectively to oppose surrogacy and in vitro fertilisation. According to peer-reviewed research, for every baby born by IVF, 23 are either discarded, or frozen, or used in destructive experiments, or miscarry. Defending the right to life of unborn children will increasingly be viewed as an attack on the rights of homosexual couples.
Thus, this is one of the most fundamental reasons why, as the title of my talk this morning states: 'The pro-life movement must embrace the defence of marriage and the family or face defeat' ...
Pro-life activists and everyone of good will must take note of what's happening and take action.
If you want to know how you can help, do contact me ...
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Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Pro-abortion buffer-zone campaign is money-driven and anti-women
The abortion industry's "Back Off" campaign is a money-driven exercise designed to stop women receiving help to avoid abortions. Paul Tully, SPUC's general secretary, told the media this morning:
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"The campaign against these pro-life counsellors is being supported and run by private abortion clinics and others with financial interests in abortion. They do not want women getting help to avoid abortions. The abortion industry is losing money, because every week a few women who get as far as the doorstep of an abortion clinic change their minds. Most of these women never wanted an abortion anyway, but couldn't find help elsewhere.SPUC does not run pavement counselling operations, but many SPUC members and officers have participated in such events. The eye-witness accounts they give testify that the vast majority of such events are peaceful, low-key and uneventful.
Pro-life counsellors are a threat to the abortion clinics' income. Every time a woman chooses to keep her baby, the clinics lose £500 or £600 in lost income. We estimate that they could be losing £100,000 a year because mothers decide to give birth instead of giving in to abortion bullying. Many women are pressured or bullied into 'choosing' abortion. Given the right support and resources, most women do not choose abortion.
The lucrative abortion industry wants to criminalise the quiet and peaceful activity of the immensely kind people who give their time to stand outside abortion clinics and offer women help if they want to avoid an abortion.
The Back Off campaign has deceived many people. The abortion giant BPAS, which runs the Back Off campaign, is denigrating selfless people who kindly offer help to expectant mothers. The campaign website repeatedly asserts that women and abortion clinic staff are 'intimidated' and 'harassed' outside clinics. If this were true the police could intervene to stop it, but this is not the case.
This pro-abortion campaign is simply about money."
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Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Claims about teen pregnancy rebutted by expert
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Prof. David Paton |
Claims about teen pregnancy rebutted by expert
Claims that falls in teenage pregnancies are the result of the previous Labour government's Teenage Pregnancy Strategy (TPS) have been rebutted. David Paton, professor of industrial economics at Nottingham University Business School, made the rebuttal following the release of official statistics which suggest that teenage pregnancy rates are at a record low. [BBC, 24 Feb] Professor Paton commented: "It is completely implausible that the TPS is behind this effect. If anything, the evidence is the opposite: for the first 8 years of the TPS there was very little change in underage conceptions. Just as the TPS was winding down and complaints were being made about cuts to teenage pregnancy services, rates started to go down significantly. The further we get from the TPS, the faster the decrease accelerates! There is little doubt that education in schools has been the key, along with demographic change and also the general shift towards less risk taking behaviour amongst teenagers (lower rates of smoking, drugs, alcohol and crime)."
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