Monday, 28 January 2008

Opposition to IVF grows in Poland

There’s a most encouraging report that opposition to IVF is growing in Poland. The rising opposition is attributed to statements from the country’s bishops.

Tragically, IVF, as a way of bypassing infertility out of compassion for infertile couples, is widely accepted in the UK. It’s important for opponents of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology bill to understand that its proposals are a logical development of the practice of IVF which amounts to the manufacture of human beings. At the same time, we must continue to promote ethical alternatives to IVF such as naprotechnology as does Life and the SPUC education and research trust.

NaProTechnology or Natural Procreative Technology is a new and innovative medical science that works cooperatively with the body's natural procreative cycles, enhancing the chances of procreation naturally and healthily. It is proving to be more successful than IVF.