Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Mr Ed Balls wants young people to distinguish right from wrong

Ed Balls (pictured, left), the secretary of state for children, schools and young people, has asked Ofsted, the school inspection office
"to carry out a survey of independent faith schools to examine how they are meeting the Independent Schools Standards relating to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils."
The press release from Mr Balls goes on to say that
"The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils at the school meets the standard if the school promotes principles which [inter alia] enable pupils to distinguish right from wrong."
Are you, like me, somewhat struck by the irony here? Mr Balls last month issued a document which means, inter alia, that:
  • further education colleges will be flooded with birth control
  • doctors will be paid to facilitate increased sexual activity and abortion
  • parents will be continue to be marginalised from their children's moral development by the government and its ideological cronies.
Isn't it Mr Balls and his government colleagues who should be surveyed for their capacity to distinguish right from wrong? Such as the differences between:
  • welcoming newly-conceived human life on the one hand, and on the other hand killing an innocent human being on the ?
  • serving the well-being of young women on the one hand, and on the other hand permanently damaging their physical and/or psychological health?
  • upholding young persons' dignity on the one hand, and on the other hand giving them the wherewithal to degrade themselves sexually?
The next generation's ability to distinguish right from wrong is being damaged massively by the policies of Mr Balls and his government.