"This study reinforces the work of Dr. Vincent Rue who established post-abortion trauma as a type of post-traumatic stress disorder.BVA operates a helpline 0845 603 8501 offering support to those struggling in the aftermath of a personal abortion experience.
"What we at British Victims of Abortion hear in the counselling room confirms the truth of Professor Fergusson’s results.
"There has been 40 years of abortion in this country alone. The majority of research that has been accepted has been by pro-abortionists denying that abortion has any significant long-term consequences to the woman. Now, at last, we have acknowledgement of these negative consequences from a pro-choice, atheist, rationalist scientist (Prof. Fergusson). British Victims of Abortion applauds Professor Fergusson.
"Abortion-providers, and abortion promoters such as the Family Planning Association (FPA), will deny the research's validity, because it conflicts with their political agenda and threatens their livelihoods.
"Professor Fergusson's study will be a useful tool in our challenge to our country's abortion-biased culture. It will add to the voice of our ‘Silent No More Campaign’ http://www.spuc.org.uk/about/snm/ where women and men are now speaking out publicly about these negative effects."
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