He says that the crowd in Nazareth hated Christ and: " ... they rose up in a foul rage and bundled him out and tried to throw him down a cliff. In other words - they hated him - our Saviour."
Referring, amongst other matters, to the Government's intention of making abortion and birth control drugs and devices even more accessible to schoolchildren through all state schools, including Catholic schools, he says:
"His Church is being treated like that now by those who hate us ...Too true Father.
" ... It is like saying to the MPs that the National Front should be allowed membership of their party. Religious faith is of no consequence. Our children will be forcibly indoctrinated by the false ideology of those who rule us. They say it will bring down teenage pregnancies. We have the highest in Europe seemingly. The reality is that 30 years of this kind of stuff in our High schools has not proven successful."
And sadly, as I have mentioned frequently before, the Catholic Education Service in England and Wales (CESEW) has betrayed Catholics and non-Catholics alike by its giving general support to the British government’s legislative proposals to require all state schools to teach sex and relationships education throughout the school years (from ages five to 18). (N.B. The state schooling system in England and Wales includes the majority of Catholic schools.) The British government has stated clearly that its proposals have been drafted to entrench a form of sex education which promotes access to abortion and contraception in all state schools, including in Catholic schools.
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