Although the figures indicate a slight fall in the incidence of abortion, the equivalent of 20 classrooms of children a day are still being killed by abortion in Britain.
SPUC is therefore reaching out to doctors, to provide them with better-quality information about the reality of abortion. Abortion not only kills children, it hurts women too. Disability in unborn children is often put forward as one of the main arguments in favour of legal abortion. Doctors and the public generally are unaware, however, that there is a solid body of evidence showing that the psychological after-effects on women can be particularly traumatic when an abortion is undertaken for reasons of foetal disability.
SPUC will be sending doctors evidence compiled by Dr Greg Pike, an Australian specialist in neurobiology and bioethics, on the damage abortion may cause to women’s health. We hope that this evidence will help doctors understand that women deserve better than abortion. Please read "Abortion and Women's Health" by Dr Greg Pike, May 2010
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