Ruth Gledhill, religion correspondent of The Times, has a good story today headlined "'Scan' of baby Jesus plunges Churches into abortion debate."
She writes: "Protestant Churches are joining forces in an advertising campaign that shows a scan of "baby Jesus in the Virgin Mary's womb", complete with halo.
"The poster campaign ... reads: 'He's on His way. Christmas starts with Christ.'"
Ruth Gledhill is kind enough to quote me in her story saying: "This advertisement sends a powerful message to everyone in Britain where 570 babies are killed every day in the womb, 365 days a year, under the Abortion Act. Whenever we kill an unborn child in an abortion, we are killing Jesus".
Her story is worth reading in the original if only to witness the mental confusion of Terry Sanderson, of the National Secular Society, as he tries to criticize the image.
I just hope and pray that this poster campaign has the effect of saving many lives. Let's promote it in every way we can.
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