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Archbishop Silvano Tomasi |
- So-called therapeutic abortion seeks to create eugenic utopia says Vatican writer [LifeSiteNews.com, 7 July] http://bit.ly/nBCedt
- UK woman turned down for IVF as partner already has son [Daily Mail, 8 July] http://bit.ly/rpN4oS
- Sperm donor anonymity rule leads to patient delays claim experts [Telegraph, 7 July] http://tgr.ph/oZT1Uv
- Surgeons transplant first synthetic windpipe, coated with adult stem cells [BBC, 7 July] http://bbc.in/o90QAv
- Germany approves genetic testing of human embryos [Reuters, 7 July] http://reut.rs/qPByNb
- Embryos heal themselves in 1st days of existence, suggest study [HLI America, 6 July] http://bit.ly/r3p0k8
- SPUC's Anthony McCarthy interviewed about world's 1st IVF lottery (audio, interview starts at 30mins) [BBC Newcastle, 6 July] http://bbc.in/rbeizz
- US Catholic bishops call on Congress to stop funding population control agencies [LifeNews.com, 7 July] http://bit.ly/mRRWI2
- Vatican diplomat (pictured) says UN gay rights agenda endangers Church's freedom [CNA, 8 July] http://bit.ly/nmp1Jc
- Irish newspaper's special investigation into teen sex [Irish Examiner, 8 July] http://bit.ly/olQJs3
- UK teacher suspended for showing science pupils video of animal semen being collected [TES, 8 July] http://bit.ly/qoQ4kF
- Parents furious as schools minister gives green light to explicit sex ed in science lessons [SPUC, 7 July] http://bit.ly/rnWVp3
- Schools in Derby, UK urged to rule out sex ed for primary pupils [This is Derbyshire, 7 July] http://bit.ly/qgUk33
- Pro-life groups object to US ambassador's promotion of gay rights [CNA, 7 July] http://bit.ly/p2nFur
- Opposition to gay rights push in Peruvian capital [CNA, 7 July] http://bit.ly/obJITh
- California legislature passes draconian pro-gay sex ed bill [LifeSiteNews.com, 6 July] http://bit.ly/q13DAc
- Lesbian teen activist says Ontario Catholic bishops’ approval of gay clubs encouraged her activism [LifeSiteNews.com, 6 July] http://bit.ly/rjTya4
- Toronto Catholic school board superintendent under fire for dubious comments on gay issue [LifeSiteNews.com, 6 July] http://bit.ly/ngJchG
- Group of adults with learning disabilities banned from UK holiday camp [Daily Mail, 8 July] http://bit.ly/qcP1GZ
- 61,000 sign petition to Obama demanding better conscience protections for health workers [LifeSiteNews.com, 7 July] http://bit.ly/qTXsAW
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