Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Read this for updated links to Brian Comerford and his pro-life radio drama "TERMINATION"

On Friday I blogged that a very brave Irish radio drama producer, Daniel Reardon, made an extraordinary production of TERMINATION - about the unborn child and abortion - by the writer Brian Comerford. Reportedly, Mr Reardon's employers, RTE Radio 1, Ireland, did not share his courage, and I'm told that a scheduled broadcast of Brian Comerford's work was "aborted".

Brian has emailed me and asked me to update readers with the following:
Brian also wrote:
"As yesterday's news item was about the media being permitted to advertise abortion services, it outrages my sense of fair play that a radio drama that might be seen and heard by many as an inconvenient truth, is suppressed."
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