Thursday 23 January 2014

Urge that Fr Timothy Radcliffe is cancelled by Dublin's Divine Mercy Conference

I have received the disturbing news that Fr Timothy Radcliffe O.P. is to be one of the guest speakers at this year's Divine Mercy Conference in Dublin on 22/23 February. Fr Radcliffe is well-known as a veteran dissenter from Catholic teaching on sexuality. Deacon Nick Donnelly of the excellent "Protect the Pope" blog has detailed Fr Radcliffe's dissent. In May 2011, reported that Fr Radcliffe's scheduled keynote speaking engagement at the general assembly of Caritas Internationalis had been cancelled by the Vatican.

Please urge - for the sake of the Gospel of Life, the truth & meaning of human sexuality and our children - that the Divine Mercy Conference withdraws its invitation to Fr Radcliffe. Please email:
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