Tuesday 18 August 2015

Anglican bishop sounds warning on assisted suicide bill

SPUC has welcomed an Anglican bishop's warning about the assisted suicide bill due to be debated in Parliament at Westminster on 11 September.

Rt Revd Mike Hill, the Bishop of Bristol, has warned on his blog that the desire of the seriously ill 'not to be a burden' is "capable of ruthless manipulation".

Bishop Hill also said that "the Christian Church has a long and noble history of seeking to assist people to die well without killing them ... We need more palliative care provision rather than handing out the right in law to take life."

My colleague, Paul Tully, SPUC's general secretary, told the press today:
"We congratulate Bishop Hill for his courageous witness to the sanctity of human life. He has given a good example to his fellow Anglican bishops and clergy and to all Christians. Seeking to assist people to die well without killing them is both a Christian and a deeply-rooted British value. Christians throughout history are famous for establishing hospices amongst the poorest, whether it be in London in the Middle Ages or in Mother Teresa's Calcutta in the 20th century."
The "Assisted Dying" bill, introduced into Parliament by Rob Marris MP, mean that terminally ill, disabled and elderly people will become second-class citizens and doctors will be turned into killers. You can help stop this happening. If we don’t stop the bill, medical killing will inevitably spread more and more widely. Find out from SPUC's campaign page what you can do to help. Please don't delay. Write to your MP now.

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