"In their concern for the advancement of black people, church leaders must not omit to condemn President Obama's pro-abortion policies. Black Catholic and Christian pro-life leaders in both America and Africa regard Mr Obama's presidency as a disaster for black unborn children. Abortion is the deepest antithesis of reconciliation and peaceful human relations. If, instead of killing unborn children, Mr Obama's policies killed, for example, Catholic priests, would Archbishop Monsengwo regard Mr Obama's election as a positive, divine sign? Are unborn children any less deserving of the right to life than Catholic priests?"Was Archbishop Monsengwo perhaps taking his cue from Obama himself, who told supporters the day after the feast of the Epiphany in 2008:
"My job is to be so persuasive that if there's anybody left out there who is still not sure whether they will vote, or is still not clear who they will vote for, that a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany ... and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama".Obamania, a condition linked to Tonyblairmania, the symptoms being much the same: In Obama's case, a person welcomes Obama's election even though Obama is committed to extreme pro-abortion, anti-life policies; Tonyblairmania involves welcoming Tony Blair's reception into the Catholic Church even though Blair refuses to repudiate his political record on pro-life matters whilst he continues to seek high public office.
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