"The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) strongly supports the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) number 5 to improve maternal health. The number of women who die from complications relating to pregnancy and childbirth in developing countries is unacceptably high and needs to be urgently addressed. The evidence suggests that the best way to achieve better maternal health is by improving access to antibiotics, drugs to prevent haemorrhage, blood transfusions, clean facilities and properly trained health professionals. Access to legal abortion in countries where abortion is currently illegal does not achieve the desired goals and may lead to an overall increase in maternal mortality and morbidity. Furthermore, legal access to abortion conflicts with the existing international legal framework. Upholding the rights of women and of their unborn children is a consistent and complimentary approach to dealing with existing weaknesses in health care systems."Do read SPUC's submission in full for essential facts and arguments about why being pro-life and not pro-abortion is to be truly pro-woman.
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