"[W]e can and will only vote for parties and individual candidates who publicly pledge commitment to defend human life at all stages and we urge all concerned voters to do likewise."To that end, they have called upon all political parties, party leaders and election candidates to sign the following pledge:
"to defend human life at all stages, from conception until natural death and that if elected - :Ireland United for Life
- They will not dismantle Ireland’s Constitution and will maintain the people’s sovereign and democratic right, in final appeal, to decide all questions of national policy according to the requirements of the common good.
- They will respect and uphold the Constitutional right of the Irish people to decide on Ireland’s unique pro-life status.
- They will not legislate for abortion and will absolutely oppose any attempt by unelected judges from the European Court of Human Rights, (ECHR) to usurp the Constitutional right of the Irish people to decide on abortion."
"urges all voters to vote only for candidates and parties who support this pledge"Liam Gibson, representing SPUC Northern Ireland development officer, and Patrick Buckley, representing European Life Network, participated in the press conference and endorsed the message from Ireland United for Life. Pictured are (left to right):
- Pat Buckley
- Bernadette Smyth (director, Precious Life, Northern Ireland)
- Kathy Sinnott
- Dana Rosemary Scallon
- Liam Gibson.
- Niamh Ui Bhriain, director, Life Institute
- Ide Nic Mhathuna of Youth Defence
- Maire Ui Dhroighneain of Eire Ar Son Na Beatha.
Grave concern was expressed at the Labour Party threat to introduce abortion if it forms part of a future government.
I totally endorse the message of Ireland United for Life. I also urge readers to scrutinise closely any election-time messages on pro-life issues - especially any emanating from the Catholic bishops of Ireland - for any deviations from the upholding of the absolute protection for all unborn children, inside or outside the womb, guaranteed by the Irish Constitution.
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