- you to take action to stop primary schools showing sexually explicit materials to children as young as seven years old
- your involvement so that sex education is not made a compulsory school subject
- your support to reverse government policies which promote contraceptives and abortion advice to secondary school pupils
- to act now because anti-life sex education in our schools is priming young children for premature sexual activity, which leads to teenage pregnancies and abortions.
Last year SPUC fought against the proposal to make sex and relationships education (SRE) mandatory in all state schools in England from the age of 5 upwards. The proposal was defeated, but supporters of explicit anti-life sex education are still around, and promoting lurid material in schools. We need the help of SPUC's supporters and sympathetic parents and teachers, to resist the anti-life and anti-family agenda. Please read our new campaign bulletin for further details and action points. Please order copies of the bulletin to give to:
- concerned people – especially parents of school-age children and school governors
- friends and colleagues
- priests and pastors and others at your church, etc.
- order by e-mail from orders@spuc.org.uk
- order by phone from SPUC HQ on (020) 7091 7091
- print off the bulletin, then cut out and return the coupon.
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