Friday 6 February 2015

Canada’s top court rules doctors can help kill patients; overturns assisted suicide law

John-Henry Westen (pictured, the editor of LifeSite news, has just issued the following statement. It contains news of a truly shocking development in Canada which has, as he puts it, "significant international ramifications":
In a decision that has significant international ramifications, Canada's Supreme Court today legalized assisted suicide. This heart-breaking decision will not only affect our Canadian readers, but will inevitably set an unofficial precedent for courts in the U.S. and elsewhere. Our readers in those countries need to be aware of this decision, in order to be better prepared to oppose this encroaching element of the Culture of Death. Read our breaking news report on the decision here, or below.
On a practical note for supporters in Britain, there is growing pressure on Parliament to make time for Lord Falconer's Assisted Dying bill, after the general election, so that it becomes a law. We must strenuously oppose any such move.It is essential that we elect people to Parliament who will vote to spare the elderly and the vulnerable from the threat of being killed by assisted suicide. Please contact me to find out how you can help SPUC's general election campaign.

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