SPUC Scotland is committed to building a new pro-life generation. SPUC's contributes towards the joint SPUC/Life Education4Life project which was launched in Scotland - making pro-life presentations in schools on the beginning of life, abortion, assisted conception, post-abortion trauma and many other topics; and Lucy McCully, youth and university officer will be speaking about youth activism at SPUC's conference next week (5th - 7th September, Swanwick Derbyshire).
Other speakers at SPUC's conference include Dr Jerónima Teixeira, a professor and consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology, who will speak on foetal sentience; Dr James Sherley, senior scientist, and leader of human adult stem cell research laboratory in the Programs in Cancer and Regenerative Biology, at the Boston Biomedical Research Institute, will give a talk entitled: "From abortion to human embryonic stem cell research: a vacation of reason"; and human rights expert, Jakob Cornides, who will be examining the question: "Conscientious objection – is it a right or a duty?" Paul Tully, Antonia Tully and I are speaking on "After the Human Fertilisation and Embryology bill – building resistance to abortion and other anti-life practices at local level and in Parliament". Some conference places are still available. You can find out about booking here.
In the picture, above, you can see (L to R): Liz McGachey, Andrew Jackson (partly obscured), Mike Meenan, Jon Galloway, Agnes Girvan (Treasurer), Marysia O'Sullivan (Chairman), James Scanlan, John Paul Cecil and Ian Murray.