Wednesday 27 October 2010

Good news from Europe about protecting women and children from population control

CARE (Christian Action, Research and Education) has sent us the following good news:
"As every year, CARE helped promote an amendment to the European Commission's annual budget this week to prevent any funding going to family planning programmes in which coercion or compulsion is used. We are pleased to be able to report that an amendment to this effect (last passed in 2007, but rejected in 2008 & 2009) was adopted by a healthy majority of 372 to 279, with 21 abstentions. You can see which British MEPs supported the amendment here. Please consider writing to thank one or all of the MEPs in your region.
In addition, amendments to the 2011 budget were passed. These call for European funds - which support human rights campaigners in other countries - to be made available for combating forced abortion, sterilisation and even infanticide, which are used for example in China to enforce state family planning policies."
This good news from the European Parliament follows the good news earlier this month from another European institution, the Council of Europe. The council's parliamentary assembly rejected strongly a proposed crack down on medical staff who refuse to be complicit in abortion and other anti-life practices. Prior to that vote, SPUC had written to its supporters and contacts in the member-states of the Council of Europe.

These pro-life victories in the European institutions show that intelligent, organised and uncompromisingly pro-life lobbying is effective in protecting unborn children, their mothers and other vulnerable individuals.

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