Saturday 30 October 2010

“I will fight abortion until the day I die” says Mother Teresa Award winner

During Campaign Life Coalition’s conference in Ottawa this weekend, Heather Stilwell, a pro-life activist, was awarded LifeCanada's annual Mother Teresa Award. She's pictured, right, receiving the award from Monica Roddis, acting president of LifeCanada, (who hails from Manchester, England!), and with Elizabeth, the youngest of Heather’s eight children.

Apart from taking on leadership roles in politics and in the pro-life movement, she became a school board trustee and was famous for her opposition to sex education, abortion and the promotion of homosexuality in schools. In 1997 Heather was involved in a legal battle that went all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada regarding the decision to allow in Catholic elementary schools three children's books which portrayed same-sex parents.

Two years ago the Heather was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent chemotherapy and various treatments but recently decided that the cancer had become too aggressive and she decided to stop all treatment. It was her wish that she would be able to attend the 2010 international congress in Ottawa, involving a 7 hour trip from her home in British Columbia. Receiving the award, Heather told us that she would fight abortion till she day she dies. I have rarely been so moved.

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