I have now been informed that an alternative event has been organised in York as a positive response. I am glad to pass on the details of it.
CMF North Yorkshire is pleased to be co-hosting An Evening with Dr John Patrick (pictured) in York on Wednesday 23rd November at Clifton Parish Church from 7.30 pm. John will be speaking on A Good Death: Physician Assisted Suicide and End of Life Decisions. This accessible location has ample car parking and cake & refreshments will be available.
The event has been organised as a positive response to the 21st November York visit of Exit International’s Dr Philip Nitschke, known as ‘Dr Death’ for his suicide promotion seminars.
John Patrick is a good friend of CMF, having spoken at many events – local, national and international. His wise and insightful analysis of the moral issues in the end-of-life debate are relevant to both healthcare professionals and patients, Christians and non-Christians alike.
The event is also being promoted to York churches through One Voice York. Please do pass on details to others who you feel may be interested.Comments on this blog? Email them to johnsmeaton@spuc.org.uk
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