Dear Friends!
Human Life International - Poland invites to Gdansk University on December 3, 2011 for an international conference “FAMILY - DEMOGRAPHY – FUTURE”! It will be an opportunity to listen to very interesting lecturers. We provide full simultaneous translation Polish-English-Russian.
Please send this information to your friends at home and abroad, along with a personal recommendation. Please also put information about this conference on websites.
Best regards and thank you for your cooperation
Ewa H. Kowalewska
International Conference
8:00 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 Opening of the conference: prof. Franciszek Makurat
Chairman: Antoni Szymański
9:05 - 9:45 speeches of the guests of honour and authority representatives
9:45 -10:15 Ewa Tomaszewska (Poland): The risk of poverty and exclusion - the most important issues of social policy towards the elderly.10:15 -10:50: dr hab. Jerzy Gwizdała (Poland): Mortgage to buy a home for households during the time of economic crisis.10:45 – 11:20 Igor Biełoborodov, Ph.D. (Russia): The demographic catastrophe in Eastern Europe, history, effects and ways out of the situation.
10:50 - 11:10 Małgorzata Wyszyńska (Poland): Demographic determinants of family policy in Poland in the context of ageing population.
11:10 - 11:40 11:40 - 12:10 Thomas Ward (United Kingdom): Parents as the first educators of their children.
12:10 - 12:30 Break
Chairman: Adam Hlebowicz
12:30 - 12:45 Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Gdansk Branch of Polish Association of Natural Family Planning Teachers
12:45 - 13:15 Ewa-Kuczapska Ślizień (Poland): The increasing infertility - a new medical problem.13:15 - 13:45 Ewa Kowalewska (Poland): The influence of radical feminism on fertility.13:45 - 14:15 Joseph Meaney (USA): World war against girls.
14:15 -15:00 Lunch
Chairman: Ewa Kowalewska
15:00 - 15:30 Teresa Kapela (Poland): European family associations and their influence on politics.
15:30 - 15:50 Antoni Szymański: What kind of family policy Polish family requires.15:50 - 16:05 Fr. Tomasz Kancelarczyk: Spiritual, social and formative dimension of the March for Life as an effective form of pro-life awareness.
16:05 - 16:20 Jadwiga Sielska (Poland): Direct aid to women in crisis pregnancy and needed right away help for large families.
8:00 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 Opening of the conference: prof. Franciszek Makurat
Chairman: Antoni Szymański
9:05 - 9:45 speeches of the guests of honour and authority representatives
9:45 -10:15 Ewa Tomaszewska (Poland): The risk of poverty and exclusion - the most important issues of social policy towards the elderly.10:15 -10:50: dr hab. Jerzy Gwizdała (Poland): Mortgage to buy a home for households during the time of economic crisis.10:45 – 11:20 Igor Biełoborodov, Ph.D. (Russia): The demographic catastrophe in Eastern Europe, history, effects and ways out of the situation.
10:50 - 11:10 Małgorzata Wyszyńska (Poland): Demographic determinants of family policy in Poland in the context of ageing population.
11:10 - 11:40 11:40 - 12:10 Thomas Ward (United Kingdom): Parents as the first educators of their children.
12:10 - 12:30 Break
Chairman: Adam Hlebowicz
12:30 - 12:45 Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Gdansk Branch of Polish Association of Natural Family Planning Teachers
12:45 - 13:15 Ewa-Kuczapska Ślizień (Poland): The increasing infertility - a new medical problem.13:15 - 13:45 Ewa Kowalewska (Poland): The influence of radical feminism on fertility.13:45 - 14:15 Joseph Meaney (USA): World war against girls.
14:15 -15:00 Lunch
Chairman: Ewa Kowalewska
15:00 - 15:30 Teresa Kapela (Poland): European family associations and their influence on politics.
15:30 - 15:50 Antoni Szymański: What kind of family policy Polish family requires.15:50 - 16:05 Fr. Tomasz Kancelarczyk: Spiritual, social and formative dimension of the March for Life as an effective form of pro-life awareness.
16:05 - 16:20 Jadwiga Sielska (Poland): Direct aid to women in crisis pregnancy and needed right away help for large families.
Moderator: Adam Hlebowicz
16:20 - 16:55 Round table - How to protect your family - how to find a ways out of deadlock.
16:55 - 17:00 Summary and closing of the conference.
CONFERENCE LANGUAGES: English, Polish, Russian - simultaneous translations
Meeting place in the Senate Hall of the University of Gdańsk, Library Building, 53 Wita Stwosza street, Gdańsk
"Solidarity" Commission of the University of Gdańsk
CONFERENCE LANGUAGES: English, Polish, Russian - simultaneous translations
Meeting place in the Senate Hall of the University of Gdańsk, Library Building, 53 Wita Stwosza street, Gdańsk
"Solidarity" Commission of the University of Gdańsk
Friends of Human Life Association - Human Life International - Poland
Archbishop Leszek Sławoj Głódz, Metropolitan of Gdańsk
Prof. Bernard Lammek, Rector of Gdańsk University
Archbishop Leszek Sławoj Głódz, Metropolitan of Gdańsk
Prof. Bernard Lammek, Rector of Gdańsk University
- E-mail: konferencja@hli.org.pl
- Phone: (58) 341 19 11
- Fax: (58) 346 10 02
NOTE: The number of places is limited - first come first enter.
The organizer does not provide accommodation!
The cost of participation for 1 person is: €10,- EUR
Couple: €15,- EUR
The fee includes: participation, conference materials and meals during lunch and coffee breaks.
Fees should be paid to the following account:
PeKaO S. A. 33 1240 1242 1111 0010 0921 9417
Association of Friends of Human Life
st. Jaśkowa Dolina 47/1a
80-286 Gdańsk
With a note: The conference fee
Dr. Igor Biełobarodov (Russia), sociologist, demographer, director of the Charitable Foundation for the Protection of Family, Motherhood and Children. Vice President of the All-Association "For the protection of life and family values." Editor of the portal www.demografia.ru
- E-mail: konferencja@hli.org.pl
- Phone: (58) 341 19 11
- Fax: (58) 346 10 02
NOTE: The number of places is limited - first come first enter.
The organizer does not provide accommodation!
The cost of participation for 1 person is: €10,- EUR
Couple: €15,- EUR
The fee includes: participation, conference materials and meals during lunch and coffee breaks.
Fees should be paid to the following account:
PeKaO S. A. 33 1240 1242 1111 0010 0921 9417
Association of Friends of Human Life
st. Jaśkowa Dolina 47/1a
80-286 Gdańsk
With a note: The conference fee
Dr. Igor Biełobarodov (Russia), sociologist, demographer, director of the Charitable Foundation for the Protection of Family, Motherhood and Children. Vice President of the All-Association "For the protection of life and family values." Editor of the portal www.demografia.ru
Dr hab. Jerzy Gwizdała (Poland), researcher and lecturer in the Department of Banking at the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdansk. Chancellor of the UG. Educates managers and professionals for financial institutions - primarily for banks and insurance companies.
Adam Hlebowicz (Poland), journalist, historian, editor in Chief of "Radio Plus" in Gdansk
Fr. Thomas Kancelarczyk (Poland), the Catholic church assistant of Civitas Christiana Association in Szczecin, Poland's largest organizer of the marches for life.
Teresa Kapela (Poland), Graduate of the Department of History at the Jagiellonian University. Activist of movements that promote and support large families. Initiator of the "Pro-family weblists" and the Association of Large Families "Three Plus", where she has the function of the Vice-President. Co-organizer of international conferences in the field of family policy. Involved in the international exchange of experiences with foreign federations of family organizations (European Large Families Confederation - ELFAC - European Federation of Large Families, The Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe - FAFCE - European Federation of Catholic Families; FEFAF - European Federation of Active Women in the House).
Ewa Henryka Kowalewska (Poland), Graduate of Polish philology at the University of Gdansk, President of the Forum of Polish Women, president of Friends of Human Life Association - Human Life International Poland. The well-known lecturer in Poland and abroad in defence of life and family.
Prof. Franciszek Makurat (Poland), psychologist, head of the Department of Sport Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdansk. Lecturer of the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski and of School of Social Communication. Chairman of the "Solidarity" Commission of Gdansk University.
Joseph Meaney (USA), Human Life International Director of International Coordination. Author of numerous publications and reports for television ETWN. He graduated from Catholic University of Dallas and the University of Texas Institute for Latin American Studies. He lives and continues his doctoral studies in Rome.
Jadwiga Sielska (Poland), educator, president of the charitable organization that helps women in crisis pregnancy, mothers in difficult situations and families with many children, "Gaudium Vitae" from Gdynia.
Prof. dr. hab. Teresa Rostowska (Poland), head of the Family Research and Quality of Life at the Institute of Psychology, University of Gdansk. Well-known author of many books, among others.: Marriage, family, work versus the quality of life; Quality of family life; Selected issues. Psychology of the family; Marriage and the family to today's challenges.
Alina Strzalkowska (Poland), education consultant for family life and health education, Teacher Education Center (CEN) in Gdańsk.
Antoni Szymanski (Poland), sociologist, Senator of the sixth cadence, a member of the Team of the Joint Commission for Family Affairs and the Government of the Polish Episcopate.
Ewa Ślizień-Kuczapska (Poland), gynecologist-obstetrician, MD, president of the Polish Association of Natural Family Planning Teachers. Lecturer, author of publications on family issues in terms of fertility and health.
Ewa Tomaszewska (Poland), physicist, lecturer at Warsaw University. A specialist in social policy. Since 1980 the Solidarity Trade Union activist, a long-time member of the National Commission. Former Member of Parliament, Senator of the sixth term of office, Member of the European Parliament of the sixth term of office. Currently a member of the National Science Section of Solidarity and the advisor to the local authorities of Mazowieckie province. For years she has conducted social activities aimed at reducing poverty in Poland, child malnutrition and lack of proper support for the elderly.
Thomas Ward (United Kingdom), a doctor, a specialist in family medicine, pediatrics, geriatrics and clinical pharmacology, the founder of the National Association of Catholic Families.
Małgorzata Wyszyńska (Poland), economist, specialist in the field of demography and social gerontology.
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