Monday 19 March 2012

Please support Bishop Alan Hopes, under attack from abortionists

The Good Counsel Network reports that the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), one of the UK's largest abortion providers, is attacking Bishop Alan Hopes of Westminster for his support of the 40 Days For Life London vigils. Bishop Hopes is due to attend the vigil outside the BPAS centre in central London on 30 March. Please:
  • show your support for Bishop Hopes by attending the vigil on Friday 30 March, 7pm to 8.30pm, north-west corner of Bedford Square, London WC1B 3HP
  • pray for Bishop Hopes and all those involved in 40 Days For Life
  • pray for all those who work at BPAS, that God will turn their hearts away from death to life
  • pray for all those women who visit BPAS, that God will strengthen them to protect their unborn children.
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