Earlier this year SPUC launched a new online publication, a blog written by young people entitled
Why I am Pro-Life. The aim of the blog is to bring the pro-life message to the next generation. Our hope is that it will both draw more young people to the pro-life movement and help to educate and strengthen the resolve of the many young people already determined to defend and promote life. However, the quality of the posts is such that it is essential reading for everybody involved in the pro-life movement.
I've said before that my experience of meeting and working with many young people gives me great hope for the future. One of the striking things about the 40 Days for Life campaign in London is that it is youth-led and that many, if not the majority, of people who are crucial the campaign's success are young people.
Young people participating at the Autum 2011 40 Days for Life campaign |
It is evident too in my work with SPUC that despite all the media bias and pressure, all the indoctrination of school children with anti-life education, despite the largely toxic modern culture in which human life is wantonly disregarded and destroyed in so many ways - despite all this there is a growing number of people who see through the lies of our age and our determined to oppose them with the truth. Long may they continue in this resolve and I hope that SPUC may be of great assistance to them in their work.
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