In the story, the Guardian quoted a Dr Kate Guthrie as saying:
" ... from the feedback that I have had, I really do think that the question has to be asked: what impact is this increasingly negative politicisation going to have on future providers of abortion care? Is it going to put doctors and nurses off becoming involved in this work?"Roger French, chairman of SPUC Milton Keynes branch, wrote to me with the following observation:
I've noticed that the pro-abortion lobby use language in the same way that the Soviets and their proxies did in drafting UN resolutions back in the good old days, full of euphemisms like "peace" and "democracy".Thank you Roger. Your comment has reminded me to revive SPUC's George Orwell prize - which goes today to Dr Kate Guthrie.
Here we have Dr Kate Guthrie, clinical director with Hull and East Riding Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Partnership, asking the question "What impact is this increasingly negative politicisation going to have on future providers of abortion care? Is it going to put doctors and nurses off becoming involved in this work?"
According to my dictionary "care" means "feel concern; provide food, attendance, etc (for children, invalids); feel regard, deference, affection for". I wonder which of these elements Dr Guthrie has in mind for the unborn child ?
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