Saturday, 30 June 2012

Must-read pro-life news-stories, 30 June

Top stories:

Save the Children 'family planning' claims are "false, illogical and unfounded" says SPUC
Claims about the so-called unmet need for family planning in the developing world made by Save the Children are "false, illogical and unfounded", says SPUC. SPUC was responding to the report "Every woman's right: how family planning saves children's lives". Paul Tully, SPUC's general secretary, commented: "Babies in the developing world die because of lack of good maternity and newborn care. This will continue whether young women use contraception or not." [SPUC, 27 June]

Pro-life success at Rio as abortion excluded from outcome document, report SPUC lobbyists
The Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development has witnessed a notable pro-life success, with abortion being excluded from the text of the conference's outcome document. Pat Buckley, one of SPUC's UN representatives, reported: "The outcome document (known as 'The Future We Want') has been a major battleground for months with attempts to insert anti-life measures including abortion and population control under the guise of so-called 'reproductive rights' or 'reproductive health services'. This pro-life success was won by a group of countries together with the Holy See, among others including Russia, Poland and several Latin American countries." [SPUC, 20 June]

Academies' anti-human Rio statement shows hijacking of science
A statement by world science academies in favour of population control shows how public bodies are being hijacked increasingly by ideology, says SPUC. SPUC was responding to the statement on population and consumption by the Inter Academies Panel (IAP) prior to the Rio+20 conference. Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager, commented: "The fact that the IAP's statement is based on the long-discredited ideas of Malthus suggests that the ideology of abortion rights has blinded the signatories to scientific reality." [SPUC, 18 June]

Other stories:

Sexual ethics

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Cancer Focus Northern Ireland's response on end-of-life issues

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland
Last year SPUC re-launched its information on charities as an online index, with new entries and updated information added as and when new information is received. Today's charity is Cancer Focus Northern Ireland.

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland was formerly the Ulster Cancer Foundation. It is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC). In a letter to SPUC dated 26 June 2012, Roisin Foster, the charity's chief executive, wrote:
"Our charity sets great store by the value of human life and we work to extend life expectancy of people living with cancer and ensure the best quality of life for however long that survival may be.

We do not have a policy on assisted suicide or euthanasia, nor do we lobby or campaign for this. We do not have a formal policy on advance directives or living wills and we do not employ any staff member qualified to give advice on legal matters."
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Thursday, 28 June 2012

Olympic symbol desecrated by condom-mad European abortion lobby

Countdown 2015, a consortium of European abortion providers and promoters, has sent out an invitation to a reception at the European Parliament in Brussels on 10 July, entitled "Everyone has the right to family planning". The event is being held to mark World Population Day and the London Summit on Family Planning being held the next day. The invitation featured this image:

I apologise for the low resolution of the image, but if you can't see it clearly, let me explain: the Olympic symbol is reproduced by five coloured condoms (unrolled) matching the five coloured rings of the Olympic symbol.

Right now, in the run-up to the London summit, promoters of contraception are trying to out-do each other. That they have chosen to desecrate the revered Olympic symbol just before the London Olympics shows just how unethical and vulgar they are.   

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Good news as BMA votes to remain opposed to assisted suicide

The Independent reports that the British Medical Association (BMA) annual representative meeting has rejected a motion to move the BMA's policy from one of opposition to assisted suicide to one of neutrality. The Independent reports some positive contributions to the debate:
Dr Dai Samuel said: "We must question what as doctors we stand for. I simply stand for looking after my patients and providing high quality care.
"I do not consider the killing of patients - whatever the reason is - justified. That is murder and I cannot commit that offence."
BMA's outgoing chairman of council Dr Hamish Meldrum urged doctors not to take a neutral stance.
He said: "The first part of this motion says that this is a matter for society and not for the medical profession.
"The medical profession is not only part of society, but it would be members of the medical profession that would have to carry out the wishes of society were there to be a change in the law.
"On (the second part of the motion) it says the BMA should adopt a neutral position on a change in the law.
"I think adopting a neutral position is probably the worst of all options. Neutrality does tend to exclude us from the argument, an argument which would have a huge bearing on the working lives of doctors.
"I don't come to this from any strong religious view but I do come to these views from having worked as a doctors for 40 years - mostly in general practice - where I have always felt I have been able, in almost every occasion, to support my patients when they were dying without having to actively end their lives."
Today's outcome shows that the euthanasia lobby cannot win where doctors stand up for the ethos of the medical profession and resist the pressures to conform to the culture of death.

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Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Save the Children 'family planning' claims are false, illogical and unfounded

SPUC has responded to the report "Every woman's right: how family planning saves children's lives", published today by Save the Children (SCF).

Paul Tully, SPUC's general secretary, told the media earlier:
"SCF claims that '222 million newborn babies’ lives would be saved if the unmet need for family planning was fulfilled.' This claim is false, illogical and unfounded. In fact, babies in the developing world die because of lack of good maternity and newborn care. This will continue whether young women use contraception or not.

SCF also claims that: 'For girls and young women aged 15-19, pregnancy and childbirth is the number one killer. It’s the cause of 50,000 deaths of teenage girls every year.' Yet it is misleading to say that pregnancy or childbirth are in general causes of death. Haemorrhage, sepsis and infection may cause death. In most cases, death and serious injury can be averted by good maternity care, such as trained birth attendants, blood transfusion, antibiotics, etc.

Other claims by SCF are simply not backed by the studies it references in its report."
Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager, also commented:
"The so-called ‘unmet need for family planning’ is a myth invented by the abortion-contraception lobby. That lobby arrogantly assumes that all adult women of childbearing age who aren’t trying to get pregnant but are not using contraception, have an unmet need for family planning. Yet even the Save the Children report has a whole chapter entitled 'Stimulating demand for family planning'. This is about pushing a decadent Western ideology of sexual liberation onto poor, vulnerable, culturally conservative societies. That’s not to deny that there are some cultural practices which should be addressed, such as coercion of teenage girls. But contraception doesn’t address that problem – it may even help to hide the evidence of abuse, help to enable it to continue etc.

The report relies heavily upon claims by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Population Reference Bureau, the Guttmacher Institute and the Population Council, as well as officials in the relevant sections of WHO, UNICEF and DFID. But these people are basically one group: the abortion-contraception lobby.

The report gives Somalia as an example of a country where (it is claimed) high fertility/population growth is linked to high child mortality. Yet Somalia doesn’t even have a central government, let alone a healthcare system. There are also big deficiencies in governance and healthcare provision in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Save the Children should not be exploiting the negative cultural practices which have been linked to those cultures (e.g. coercion of teenage girls) to promote population control."
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Monday, 25 June 2012

Queensland proves that we can 'turn back the clock' on the homosexual agenda

G.K. Chesterton, the famous Catholic apologist
"challenges the saying that you can't turn back the hands of time: a clock, Chesterton writes, is a mechanical mechanism, and so you only have to move the hands back with your finger to wherever you like! Human society, he said, is also a construction. Humans have the power, as sub-creators, to transform a society. We are not doomed. If something is wrong with the world, then we set out to make it right." 
(Fr Ian Boyd of the Chesterton Institute, Zenit, 14 Sept. 2010)

The Australian state of Queensland has proven Chesterton right: last week its legislature voted to downgrade same-sex civil partnerships and to remove access by same-sex couples to surrogacy arrangements. So let's take heart from Queensland and keep fighting against the homosexual agenda in the UK until victory for marriage and the family is won.

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Saturday, 23 June 2012

Knights of St Columba lead prayer for sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman

I am delighted to see that the Knights of St. Columba (KSC) has launched a nationwide "chain of prayer".

The KSC says:
"We call upon you our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to join the Knights of St Columba in this chain of prayer. We will be praying that our politicians heed the message of faith to uphold human life from conception to the grave and defend the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman"
The prayer chain was launched this month by Archbishop Mario Conti, the archbishop of Glasgow, at St. Columba's church in Glasgow. Forthcoming landmark events in the chain of prayer include Liverpool Cathedral on Saturday, 6th October - and the chain concludes at the Knights' Supreme Council meeting in Glasgow on 26th - 28th October.

There will be many events en route so Catholics in particular may like to look out for a prayer chain event in your local area.

In a clarion call to Christians, Ron Lynch, the recently elected Supreme Knight (pictured above), has said "Our Christian values are under attack ... "
" ... Our campaign will consist of each local Council of the Order, where possible, organising or joining the congregation of a local parish in celebrating at least one Mass for the above intention during the period from the feast of St Columba (9th June) until the opening Mass of our Supreme Council in October."
(The KSC is an "order of Catholic laymen dedicated to the Service of the Church and fellow man" and their noble aims include working diligently "in accordance with the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church ... for the moral and social welfare of our country and in particular to help young people develop in the likeness of Christ ...". I am a member of the Knights of St. Columba. In fact I'm a fourth generation Knight. My father, my grandfather and my great-grandfather all members of the same Council in Whitechapel, east London, in the early 1930s.)

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Friday, 22 June 2012

Disabled man 'redefines possible' for everyone

Consider this true story whenever you're tempted to think that something is not possible to achieve.

A boy is born with a genetic disorder which leads to his legs being amputated at age five.

Medical experts conclude that he'll never be a functioning member of society.

Three decades later, he climbs the world's highest freestanding mountain - on his hands:

Spencer West, 31, from Toronto, Canada, has defied all those misanthropes who believe that the lives of the disabled are not worth living and thus the disabled are better off dead. He has truly 'redefined possible':

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Thursday, 21 June 2012

URGENT: please vote NO in on-line euthanasia poll

The British Medical Association (BMA) is due to debate 'assisted dying' (assisted suicide and euthanasia) next week. Currently the BMA has a policy against legalising assisted suicide. The pro-euthanasia lobby want to change this to a netral policy.

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) now has an online poll - open to everyone, not just doctors - asking people to express support for doctors adopting a neutral position. Please show your opposition to assisted suicide and euthanasia by going to (scroll down on the left) and voting 'no' in this poll.

Please do this today - time is very short.

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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

You can help Ireland prevent the legalisation of abortion

James Reilly
Ireland's pro-abortion minister for health
Under the simple title "pro-life alert" Pat Buckley has published one of the most important blogposts of its kind that I've read. I urge you to read it now if you can.

In brief:
  • You can help to prevent the legalisation of abortion in Ireland
  • Pat reminds us that Ireland is regarded by the pro-abortion lobby as the jewel in the crown of the pro-life movement
  • He explains the current threat of pro-abortion legislation in Ireland, not least in light of the Irish health minister's (pictured) public commitment to legislate in favour of abortion
  • Above all Pat calls upon his Catholic readers "to commit to an hour of Eucharistic Adoration every week specifically for the intention of protecting unborn life in Ireland" - and for such readers to let Pat Buckley know about their commitment by emailing him at or by writing to him at the following address: Glenrue, Ballinclea Road, Killiney, Co Dublin, Ireland
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BREAKING NEWS: Pro-life success at Rio as abortion excluded from outcome document, report SPUC lobbyists

Rio de Janeiro
The Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development has witnessed a notable pro-life success, with abortion being excluded from the text of the conference's outcome document. SPUC, which has UN recognition as a non-governmental organisation (NGO), lobbied throughout the document's negotiations and in the conference's preparatory sessions.

Pat Buckley, one of SPUC's UN representatives, reports*:
"The outcome document (known as 'The Future We Want') has been a major battleground for months with attempts to insert anti-life measures including abortion and population control under the guise of so-called 'reproductive rights' or 'reproductive health services'. The finally-agreed text, to be signed by heads of state on Friday, has no reference to 'reproductive rights' and no mention of 'reproductive health services'.

"This pro-life success was won by a group of countries together with the Holy See, among others including Russia, Poland and several Latin American countries. Pro-abortion groups are furious at the result. The next phase of the Rio+20 meeting begins today with the high-level meeting of leaders who must vote on the text's adoption."
The pro-life success is particularly welcome considering last week's call by world science academies for the Rio conference to adopt a policy of world population control.

*With thanks to Marie Smith of the Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (PCNI)

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Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Academies' anti-human Rio statement shows hijacking of science

A statement by world science academies in favour of population control shows how public bodies are being hijacked increasingly by ideology,
The statement on population and consumption by the Inter Academies Panel (IAP), prior to this week's Rio+20 conference:
  • claims falsely that "Rapid population growth can be an obstacle to improving standards of living in poor countries"
  • looks forward to a world "where population growth comes to a halt"
  • encourages the "development strategies that help to reduce population growth"
  • calls for universal "access to comprehensive reproductive health and family planning programmes" - euphemisms for abortion on demand and population control
  • warns sinisterly that "The longer the delay, the more radical and difficult measures will be needed."
Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager, told the media this afternoon:
"The IAP's statement is based on the Royal Society's report in April called 'People and the Planet'. The working group for that report featured population control enthusiasts such as Malcom Potts the veteran abortion campaigner, as well as Jonathon Porritt and Professor Roger Short who have both praised China's brutal one-child policy.

What we are witnessing is a rising trend of organisations being hijacked by radical agendas which have nothing to do with those organisations' remits. For example, the BBC has an agreement with the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the world's largest abortion provider, to spread pro-abortion propaganda among the world's youth. Multi-national companies such as Google and Starbucks now campaign for same-sex marriage. We should not be so naive as to believe that science academies are immune from such ideological bias.

The fact that the IAP's statement is based on the long-discredited ideas of Malthus suggests that the ideology of abortion rights has blinded the signatories to scientific reality. History shows that health and wealth improves as population rises, and declines when fertility rates fall below replacement level. In any case, the rate of world population growth peaked in 1970, and fertility in most countries has been dropping rapidly. Concerns about sustainability, pollution, etc will not be addressed if fewer potential future scientists, engineers, etc are born."
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Monday, 18 June 2012

Must-read pro-life news-stories, Mon 18 June

Better healthcare not abortion saves mothers
Top story:

Draft doctors' guidance undermines human rights
Draft guidance for doctors by the General Medical Council (GMC) undermines human rights. SPUC made the comments in its submission to the GMC's consultation on personal beliefs, which closed last week. (SPUC's submission ) In its submission, SPUC said that the right to conscientious objection is a human right, which the GMC should recognise and protect far more fully. Patients need doctors of integrity who practise medicine in accordance with their conscience, including in regard to pregnant women and their unborn children. [SPUC, 15 June]

Other stories

  • Scientists urge MEPs not to cut funding for human embryo research [Guardian, 15 June]
  • 'Locked-in' Tony Nicklinson petitioned by Twitter users encouraging him to live [Telegraph, 18 June]
Sexual ethics
  • Scottish survey supporting same-sex marriage branded 'flawed' by Catholic Church [BBC, 17 June]
  • Home Office Minister Nick Herbert: Churches should be allowed to marry gay couples [Pink News, 16 June]

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Saturday, 16 June 2012

Prayerful witness outside abortion clinics gives women hope and saves lives

Paul Smeaton, my son, makes the case on for prayerful witness outside abortion clinics:

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Friday, 15 June 2012

Draft doctors' guidance undermines human rights

SPUC has responded to the General Medical Council's consultation on personal beliefs, which closes today. SPUC's submission can be read at
In our submission, SPUC said:
  • The right to conscientious objection is a human right, which the GMC should recognise and protect far more fully
  • Patients need doctors of integrity who practise medicine in accordance with their conscience, including in regard to pregnant women and their unborn children.  Doctors need protection from pressures to treat patients in ways they believe are harmful, or to facilitate such harm by e.g. referring women for abortion
  • The relationship between doctor and patient is not one of service provider to client.  It cannot be consistent with professional ethics to require doctors to provide specific procedures, such as abortion, based not on patient need but solely on patient demand
  • It is also quite unreasonable to expect a doctor with a conscientious objection to arrange for the patient to see another doctor “who does not hold the same objection as you” (e.g. to abortion)
  • To require someone to act against his or her conscience is a violation of the person
  • The guidance is unclear and internally incoherent in several places.
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Thursday, 14 June 2012

Read this letter on how homosexual acts are being promoted among children

Dr Lisa Nolland
Dr Lisa Nolland (pictured), social historian, family issues expert and leading figure in Anglican Mainstream, has very kindly given me permission to publish a letter (below) she has sent to her member of parliament, which reveals how homosexual acts are being promoted among children. I hope that Dr Nolland's excellent letter will increase the sense of urgency among readers about opposing same-sex marriage and thus protecting our children. (See SPUC's position paper and background paper on why SPUC as a pro-life organisation is campaigning to defend real marriage and oppose same-sex marriage)

Before reading Dr Nolland's excellent letter, please be warned that the materials she references are graphic, shocking and revolting.
"I am deeply concerned about the impact of gay ‘marriage’ which the Prime Minister continues to endorse, on issues of schools and education.

The Terrence Higgins Trust is a ‘charity’ which has been generously funded by the state to work with kids age 14 and older in schools around the country. Its site materials are labelled as mainstream sexual ‘health’ and endorsed by the NHS. The NHS page for Young People even directs kids to a page on the THT site which features its ‘Playzones’, THT-sponsored venues for semi-public, anonymous, promiscuous sex in dark toilets and saunas, with tips on illegal anal drug use and cleaning up the blood produced by such sex acts afterwards. ‘Playzones’ are endorsed by the NHS and the London Metropolitan Police.

I attach another NHS- and THT- endorsed sexual ‘health’ book for ‘gay’ children 13 and up in Dorset, ‘The Sexy Stuff’. These organisations are essentially endorsing high-risk sex activity like rimming and anal sex. The latter is 20 times more risky that vaginal sex, because of the fragile construction of the rectal wall and the very real possibility of tearing the membrane and subsequent leakage back into the blood stream of rectal content which is packed with pathogenic organisms. It is one of the reasons MSM (men who have sex with men) experience such high rates of STIs./STDs (including HIV/AIDS). In this country HIV/AIDS rates among the MSM community (ca. 1-2% of the population) comprise almost 75% of new HIV infections sexually acquired in the UK (2010), and this figure continues to climb. In terms of expense, it costs more than £300,000 per patient for a lifetime of care. One in 11 MSMs in London is estimated to be HIV positive, according to the BMJ (British Medical Journal, p. 11, 31 March 2012). According to THT, ca. 1/4 of those remain unaware of their status. Even THT admits AIDS is still a killer (680 died in 2010).

I understand no one wants to sound the alarm because this stuff is so appalling, and any critique of the gay world is damned as homophobic and a harbinger of professional suicide. Such is the result of the pressure exerted on almost every one of our mainstream institutions by LGBT rights groups. However, this content is dangerous and damaging and if gay ‘marriage’ becomes legal we will get far more of this directly pumped into schools. This has already happened in Massachusetts, which legalized gay ‘marriage’ in 2004. The following year kids (11 and up) received the appalling Little Black Book in a school context.
( )
Gay marriage entails gay sex. Legalising gay ‘marriage’ will make mandatory the teaching about gay relationships and gay sex. In the powerful name of LGBT rights, graphic materials like those produced by THT will become much more mainstream for underage teens. If gay relationships are included and protected under the umbrella of the institution of marriage, anyone who tries to take a stand against the promotion of this material will be seen as anti-gay and effectively silenced. Even now, it is nigh impossible to get anyone in public office to address this egregious content – who will venture to do this when gay ‘marriage’ is legal?

This is a simply massive issue which has been whitewashed, denied, and ignored by this ‘pro-family’ government. We are in fact damaging children and young people because we are allowing special interest groups access to school populations, knowing that on their sites (which kids are assured provide good advice) they are tacitly or overtly encouraged to experiment with high-risk, psychologically and physically dangerous sex acts which can cost them their lives. We teach our children to wash their hands after going to the toilet; the THT’s site resource, ‘The Bottom Line’ (p. 16) describes individuals who gain sexual stimulation by eating human faeces as part of their sex ‘play’. What madness is happening here?

As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, ‘Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act’.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Lisa Nolland"
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Must-read pro-life news-stories, Thu 14 June

Top stories:

Approval for new and controversial embryo techniques is dangerous
SPUC has responded to a report published by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics which claims that: "Novel techniques to prevent mitochondrial DNA disorders would be an ethical treatment option". Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager, commented: “As with IVF and cloning, these mitochondrial techniques may well lead to developmental abnormalities. Creating embryonic children in the laboratory abuses them, by subjecting them to unnatural processes. These techniques are both destructive and dangerous and therefore unethical. The vast majority of embryonic children created in the laboratory are killed because they do not meet the 'quality control' requirements dictated by scientists involved in such increasingly macabre experiments. Scientists should abandon the spurious field of destructive embryo experimentation and instead promote the ethical alternative of adult stem cell research, which is already providing cures and treatments for an increasing number of conditions.” [SPUC, 12 June]

First half-a-million signatures for real marriage presented to Downing St
Half-a-million signatures were delivered to the prime minister's residence at No. 10 Downing Street on Tuesday when the Coalition For Marriage (C4M) presented its petition in defence of real marriage. The petition remains open as it is still growing - the last count was 557,627. SPUC supports the Coalition For Marriage and SPUC supporters have been leafleting and signature-gathering in support of the petition. [John Smeaton, 13 June]

Other stories:

  • Chinese woman 'forced to have abortion at seven months' [HuffPo UK, 14 June]
  • China’s one-child policy causes more violence against women than any official policy in history, says expert [NRLC, 12 June]
Sexual ethics
  • Government's marriage document makes no reference to children, husbands or wives [Telegraph, 13 June]
  • UK government cannot protect faith communities against same-sex marriage laws, says UK justice minister [Mail, 13 June]
  • UK advertising watchdog clears ad against same-sex marriage [Cranmer, 13 June]
  • New EU human rights ambassador ‘should promote LGBT rights globally’, says European Parliament [Pink News, 13 June]
  • New study shows relationship with both father and mother is crucial [Mail, 13 June]
  • ‘Gold standard’ study’s striking findings: children of heterosexual parents happier, healthier [, 11 June]
  • Read the joint letter on same-sex marriage published in The Sunday Telegraph [John Smeaton, 11 June]
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Wednesday, 13 June 2012

First half-a-million signatures for real marriage presented to Downing St

Yesterday half-a-million signatures were delivered to the prime minister's residence at No. 10 Downing Street when the Coalition For Marriage (C4M) presented its petition in defence of real marriage - see the video report below. The petition remains open as it is still growing - the last count was 557,627. SPUC supports the Coalition For Marriage and SPUC supporters have been leafleting and signature-gathering in support of the petition (see SPUC's position paper and background paper on why SPUC as a pro-life organisation is campaigning to defend real marriage and oppose same-sex marriage). SPUC has also been encouraging submissions to the government's consultation on same-sex marriage, which closes tomorrow (see SPUC's guidelines paper for responding to the consultation).

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Listen to this moving song about an unborn child

A SPUC supporter kindly sent me the video of "Small bump", a song by Ed Sheeran, a young British songwriter, which is currently in the UK charts. It's beautiful that a popular singer thought to sing about the unborn. I found it very moving, and it made me cry. Watch it and if you like it, maybe pass it on to others. I include the lyrics underneath the video below.

'Small Bump' Lyrics

You're just a small bump unborn in four months you're brought to life
You might be left with my hair but you'll have your mother's eyes
I'll hold your body in my hands, be as gentle as I can
But for now you're a scan of my unmade plans
A small bump in four months you brought to life

And I'll whisper quietly and give you nothing but truth
If you're not inside me, I'll put my future in you

You are my one and only
And you can wrap your fingers round my thumb
And hold me tight
You are my one and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb
And hold me tight
And you'll be alright

You're just a small bump, I know you'll grow into your skin
With a smile like hers and a dimple beneath your chin
Fingernails the size of a half grain of rice
And eyelids closed to be soon open wide
A small bump, in four months you'll open your eyes

And I'll hold you tightly and tell you nothing but truth
If you're not inside me, I'll put my future in you

You are my one and only
And you can wrap your fingers round my thumb
And hold me tight
You are my one and only
And you can wrap your fingers round my thumb
And hold me tight
And you'll be alright

Then you can lie with me, with your tiny feet
When you're half asleep I'll leave you be
Right in front of me, for a couple weeks
So I can keep you safe

'Cos you are my one and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb
And hold me tight
You are my one and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb
And hold me tight
And you'll be alright

'Cos you were just a small bump unborn for four months, then torn from life
Maybe you were needed up there but we're still unaware as why.

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Tuesday, 12 June 2012

It's time for peaceful resistance to Obama's "wicked" regulation

Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro (right), the executive director of Human Life International‘s (HLI) office in Rome, Italy, has written an article on the need for Catholics in America to refuse to comply with the mandate from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, issued under The Affordable Care Act, which would force religious institutions to provide funding for abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization and contraception.

Monsignor Barreiro summarises the grave threat posed by the Affordable Care Act, saying:
"Under the Affordable Care Act the government is forcing almost all religious institutions to pay for insurance that must fully cover abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization and contraception, or face stiff penalties. This legal mandate is not only a threat to all Christians, but to all persons of good will who cherish the rights recognized by the U.S. Constitution."
It is encouraging to see that the US Catholic Bishops Conference is taking a similarly strong line against the proposals. With reference to the HHS Mandate, the bishops said in their June newsletter:
"Some unjust laws impose such injustices on individuals and organizations that disobeying the laws may be justified. Every effort must be made to repeal them. When fundamental human goods, such as the right of conscience, are at stake, we may need to witness to the truth by resisting the law and incurring its penalties."
Dr James Dobson, a well respected American Evangelical leader, has also voiced his opposition to the Affordable Care Act, saying:
""I will not pay the surcharge for abortion services...So come and get me if you must, Mr. President. I will not bow before your wicked regulation"
This united and widespread opposition to the act was manifested in rallies in 160 American cities this past weekend, with tens of thousands involved in total.

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Mitochondria technique approval is dangerous

SPUC has responded to the report published today by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics which claims that: "Novel techniques to prevent mitochondrial DNA disorders would be an ethical treatment option."

Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager, told the media today:
“As with IVF and cloning, these mitochondrial techniques may well lead to developmental abnormalities. Creating embryonic children in the laboratory abuses them, by subjecting them to unnatural processes. These techniques are both destructive and dangerous and therefore unethical. The vast majority of embryonic children created in the laboratory are killed because they do not meet the 'quality control' requirements dictated by scientists involved in such increasingly macabre experiments. Scientists should abandon the spurious field of destructive embryo experimentation and instead promote the ethical alternative of adult stem cell research, which is already providing cures and treatments for an increasing number of conditions.”
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Monday, 11 June 2012

Read the joint letter on same-sex marriage published in yesterday's Sunday Telegraph

Yesterday The Sunday Telegraph published a joint letter (scroll half-way down the page) from Jamie Bogle, chairman of the Catholic Union of Great Britain, and myself on the debate about same-sex marriage. The version published by The Sunday Telegraph was actually a condensed version of the much-longer original letter, which was signed jointly by ten other Catholics (plus Jamie and me). Here is the full version below:
The Government's proposals to allow 'equal civil marriage'

The undersigned met at a gathering recently where the proposals for 'equal civil marriage' were under discussion. As the Government's consultation period on those proposals draws to its close, we would like to draw attention to four particular facets of this debate. These points are not argued from the background of any one faith, belief, or philosophy but in order to raise certain basic points which should undergird the debate:

1. The government's proposals have no democratic mandate whatsoever. Proposals for 'equal civil marriage' were not included in the manifestos of the 2010 general election of the three principal political parties, namely, Conservative, Labour or Liberal Democrats. Neither did such a proposal feature in the Coalition's agreement. Furthermore, the proposal is in direct conflict with statements made and undertakings given when the arrangements for civil partnerships were legally enacted. At a time when politicians are held in particularly low esteem by the electorate, we have to ask: what mandate does the Government or Parliament have to enact such far-reaching legislation? If the answer is merely that Parliament is sovereign, then there seems to be a grave misunderstanding of the relationship between the legislature and the people.

2. In the law of England and Wales, there only exists one law relating to marriage, whether that state is entered into in civic premises with a civic registrar or in churches, faith premises etc. There is only one law and standard of marriage and this has far-reaching implications in relation to citizenship, taxation, inheritance etc. The government's proposals seem to be drawing a distinction between religious marriage and civil marriage and this distinction has hitherto been unknown to our laws.

3. There has, of course, already been a consultation in Scotland on proposals for 'equal civil marriage', the results of which are not yet known. But, are we potentially facing a situation where within one United Kingdom we have three different arrangements, namely, for England and Wales, for Scotland and for Northern Ireland? What are the implications again for citizenship, taxation and inheritance in these
separate provinces of one United Kingdom?

4. This matter is being treated as government business rather than a proposal on the basis of private members' legislation. We believe that this ill thought-out legislative proposal should be dropped without further ado for the duration of this Parliament. Governments come and go. Economies rise and wane but marriage and the family remains and will continue to remain. Therefore, if political parties wish to bring forward these proposals as part of their next election manifesto and campaign, so be it, but that will allow the electorate to make its views felt. This, we believe, is the proper way for these controversial proposals to be canvassed.

Yours faithfully,

Jamie Bogle
Bob Edwards
John Smeaton
Anthony McCarthy
Edmund Adamus
William Capstick
Matthew Connolly
John de Waal
Michael Elmer
Neil Ferrigan
Richard Mitchell
Dr Michael Straiton
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Thursday, 7 June 2012

Must-read pro-life news-stories, Thu 7 June

Tim Montgomerie
Top stories:

Top Tory says PM's backing for gay marriage is "big factor in a slump in Tory membership"
A prominent activist and commentator within the British Conservative party has said the backing given to same-sex marriage by David Cameron, the Conservative prime minister, has resulted in many resignations by party members. Tim Montgomerie of Conservative Home wrote: "The Conservative Party has damaged relations with many of the country's churchgoers by promising to introduce gay marriage. Many of the more than half-a-million signatories to the Coalition for marriage petition are churchgoers. It's also been a big factor in a slump in Tory membership. MPs tell me that the issue is a top reason for why members are resigning." [Conservative Home, 7 June] Nonetheless Mr Montgomerie, one of the founders of the Conservative Christian Fellowship and the pro-family Centre for Social Justice, has endorsed same-sex marriage.

Unborn babies could be tested for 3,500 genetic anomalies
US scientists claim to have predicted the entire genetic code of an unborn child. The Telegraph newspaper says that it could lead to tests for 3,5000 genetic anomalies. [Telegraph, 6 June] Tests on unborn children often lead to decisions to perform abortions. Anthony Ozimic of SPUC commented: "The science-fiction scenario of the film Gattaca, in which babies are graded at birth according to predictions of future health, is becoming fact. Society can reverse this nightmare scenario by resolving to put human beings above so-called scientific progress."

Other stories:

  • Pro-life groups rally against Spain's abortion law [CNA, 5 June]
  • Abortion can kick-start ‘vicious cycle’ of repeat pregnancies, abortions: UK expert [, 4 June]
  • Rite of blessing for the unborn child approved by Catholic bishops of England and Wales [John Smeaton, 4 June]
  • Bishop of London says moral decline has hit 'epidemic' levels, including abortion [Independent, 2 June]
  • Book now to hear Linda Couri, former pro-abort turned pro-lifer, 8 June, Westminster [John Smeaton, 1 June]
  • Higher risk of complications in IVF pregnancies, say experts [BBC, 6 June]
  • UK prime minister backs controversial IVF plan to create children with 3 parents [Mail, 3 June]
  • I'm scared of dying badly, admits Alzheimer's sufferer Terry Pratchett [Mail, 7 June]
  • Chinese couple pay £130,000 to have a second child to avoid one-child policy [Telegraph, 1 June]
Sexual ethics
  • US Democrats leave party over marriage, religious freedom concerns [CNA, 7 June]
  • The European Parliament was bounced into voting for the radical homosexual agenda [John Smeaton, 6 June]
  • World Congress of Families signs declaration upholding natural family [, 5 June]
  • Minister attacks Channel 4's 'shocking' sex education film aimed at five-year-olds [Mail, 3 June]
  • English Catholic bishop accuses government of one of history's greatest acts of social engineering [John Smeaton, 3 June]
  • State must recognise specific identity of family founded upon marriage, says Pope [VIS, 3 June]
  • Why are Catholic schools in Tower Hamlets using sexually-explicit teaching materials? [John Smeaton, 2 June]
  • Abortion and euthanasia to dominate ethics agenda at BMA annual meeting [Peter Saunders, 6 June]
  • Vatican condemns US nun's book for sexual ethics errors [VIS, 4 June]
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Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The European Parliament was bounced into voting for the radical homosexual agenda

Following the European Parliament's vote on Thursday 24 May in favour of a radical homosexual rights resolution (see my blog-alert prior to the vote), our colleagues at European Dignity Watch have revealed how the parliament was bounced into passing the resolution. In short, the resolution was tabled at the last minute, bypassing the usual procedures meant to give MEPs sufficient advance notice of the resolution and proper opportunities to consider it, table amendments to it, discuss it with colleagues and voters, etc.

This outrageous impropriety, added to the fact that issues such as same-sex marriage are outside the remit of the European Union, shows us that we can never be complacent about the democratic process during this present era of the culture of death.

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Monday, 4 June 2012

Rite of blessing for the unborn child approved by Catholic bishops of England and Wales

I am told that the Rite of Blessing of a Child in the Womb is approved for use by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales.

I understand that Blessing forms part of the (US) Book of Blessings which is approved for interim use in England and Wales - thus the Rite of Blessing of a Child in the Womb may be used here.
According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) website, Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond, chairman of the Committee on Divine Worship of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) says:
“We hope the use of this blessing will provide not only support and God’s blessing for expectant parents and their child in the womb, but also another effective witness to the sanctity of human life from the first moment of conception”.
The blessing can be offered within the context of the Mass as well as outside of Mass.

The text can be downloaded at The blessing may be ordered through USCCB Publishing as a 43-page bi-lingual booklet at

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Sunday, 3 June 2012

English Catholic bishop accuses government of one of history's greatest acts of social engineering

Bishop Mark Davies, the Roman Catholic bishop of Shrewsbury, has responded sharply to Nick Clegg, the UK's deputy prime minister, who said he could not understand why people of faith regarded the legalization of homosexual "marriage" as a matter of conscience.

Bishop Davies was speaking in Walsingham, the Marian Shrine, at the annual pilgrimage of the National Association of Catholic Families (NACF). Walsingham has been a Marian shrine for almost a thousand years and was one of the greatest shrines in medieval Christendom. Mrs Maria Hayne is pictured above introducing Bishop Davies at a previous NACF Walsingham.

Bishop Davies said in his address at Walsingham today:
“The Deputy Prime Minister was recently reported as saying he could not understand why Christians and other people of faith saw a legal redefinition of marriage as a matter of conscience: it would not, he claimed, impinge on religious freedoms. Experience, of course, might make us cautious of such assurances, even those given by a Deputy Prime Minister, that this agenda will not threaten religious freedom.

“However, our concern is not only with religious freedom but also the enormous good which marriage represents as foundational to family-life. Today we see a government, without mandate, disposing of any credible consultation, seeking to impose one of the greatest acts of ‘social engineering’ in our history in uprooting the legal definition of marriage. Marriage lies at the very foundation of the family.

“For all generations to come one generation of politicians sets out to demolish in the name of an ‘equality agenda’ the understanding of marriage that has served as the timeless foundation for the family. The Government is seeking to do this at the very moment when marriage as an institution has been more weakened than ever before. Yet it asks: why are people of faith concerned?”
Bishop Davies added:
“So far from weakening and confusing the foundation of the family we invite our political leaders to give back to the institution of marriage and the family the recognition and confidence it deserves.”
The NACF is an association of Catholic families who give one another mutual moral, spiritual and social support in today's culture which is so threatening to our Catholic family values.

SPUC's concern regarding the government's plan to legalize homosexual "marriage" is to protect real marriage because real marriage, as the life-long exclusive union of a husband and wife, protects unborn children and helps families to flourish. Marriage is not owned by the state – it belongs to mankind.

SPUC has launched a briefing document to help supporters make submissions to the government's consultation on same-sex marriage. The document can be read and downloaded at The deadline for submissions to the consultation is 14 June.

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Saturday, 2 June 2012

Why are Catholic schools in Tower Hamlets using sexually-explicit teaching materials?

Antonia Tully of SPUC's Safe at School campaign has reported to me on the disturbing use of pornographic materials in sex and relationships education (SRE) in the London borough of Tower Hamlets. Safe at School is assisting parents in Tower Hamlets in their campaign to have such materials removed from schools in the borough. It is particularly disturbing to read in Antonia's report that:
"St Agnes Catholic Primary School E3 3ER and Holy Family Catholic Primary School E14 0DE both recorded that they use both The Christopher Winter Project and “Living and Growing”. Tower Hamlets Local Authority records that teachers at St Edmunds RC Primary School and Holy Family Catholic Primary School received training from The Christopher Winter Project."
'Living and Growing' and 'The Christopher Winter Project' are two of the most notoriously pornographic SRE programmes currently in use.

SPUC will be raising this matter with the relevant Catholic authorities. In the meantime, I encourage parents, whether Catholic or not, to find out what materials are being used in their local schools, and email me at

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Friday, 1 June 2012

Book now to hear Linda Couri, former pro-abort turned pro-lifer, 8 June, Westminster

Book now to hear Linda Couri speak on "The Choice-Driven Life" in London on 8 June. Linda is the director of lay ministry formation of the Catholic archdiocese of Chicago. A former Planned Parenthood employee with experience on abortion issues, Linda Couri will present an inside perspective on the so-called 'pro-choice' mindset. She will address the values, goals and motivations behind the so-called 'pro-choice' movement and offer suggestions with regard to how Christians might best respond to them. Linda is now a sought-after pro-life speaker with unique insights to share. 

When: Friday 8 June 2012, 7pm
Where: conference room, Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street SW1P 1QN (behind Westminster Cathedral).
How: advance booking essential – contact or telephone Catherine on 020 7931 6064. Entrance fee: £5

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Must-read pro-life news-stories, Fri 1 June

Prince Alois of Liechtenstein
Top stories

Please sponsor mountain-climbers raising funds for SPUC
On 1 and  2 July, a team of SPUC supporters are planning to climb Britain’s three highest peaks – Ben Nevis, Snowdon and Scafell Pike – in order to raise funds for the Glasgow midwives’ appeal costs and SPUC’s other life-affirming work. Please sponsor them. > Full details

Please respond to consultation on conscientious objection
The General Medical Council (GMC) has issued new draft guidance for doctors on "Personal beliefs and medical practice". The draft deals with the important issue of conscientious objection, and it seeks to control how doctors deal with requests for treatments which they do not in conscience provide, which may include abortion, IVF, contraception, the morning-after pill, or euthanasia. There are serious flaws in the draft and doctor who hold pro-life values could be penalised or prevented from practising medicine as a result.  Please respond to this consultation yourself and/or ask others (especially doctors). This consultation is being conducted online only. Please visit: and click on "Consultation on Personal beliefs and medical practice". You need to register to contribute but it is free to do so. The deadline for comments is 13 June 2012. SPUC has published a guideline brief to help you respond to the questions in the consultation. 

New abortion figures represent "bonanza" for private abortion sector
Figures issued by the Department of Health indicate that in 2011 there were almost 190,000 registered abortions on resident women in England and Wales. A further 6,000 abortions were registered on non-residents. Paul Tully of SPUC commented: “The statistics also represent an increasing bonanza for the private abortion sector, as their share of the abortion market increases and more NHS money flows into their coffers. They are looking to widen their market further by promoting flawed birth control practices and by promoting abortion as a normal part of people’s sexual health needs." [SPUC, 29 May]

Other stories:

  • More Britons are paying Indian women to become surrogate mothers [Telegraph, 26 May]
Sexual ethics
  • Catholic schools should teach Theology of the Body, say English bishops [Tablet, 1 June]
  • Opposition to gay marriage is "not acceptable", UK minister says [Telegraph, 31 May]
  • STD fears as 70% of single women admit to regularly having unprotected sex [Mail, 30 May]
  • The fashion for gay marriage has nothing in common with the civil-rights campaigns of the 1960s [Brendan O'Neill, 29 May]
  • MPs should not be allowed free vote on gay marriage, Nick Clegg says [Telegraph, 27 May]
  • Ditch plans for same-sex marriage, voters tell MPs [Telegraph, 26 May]
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