I have today been forwarded the following letter from
Comic Relief to the Catholic Education Service (CES) which reads in full:
Gregory Pope
Deputy Director
Catholic Education Service
39 Eccleston Square
London SW1V 1BX
4th February 2013
Dear Mr Pope,
We know that misinformed publicity about Comic Relief has caused considerable confusion and distress in the past, particularly among Catholic schools wanting to support Red Nose Day and Sport Relief. So in 2000, we opened up a dialogue with the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales to help communicate the facts.
At that time, they issued a statement confirming that, after careful examination of our records, they were satisfied with Comic Relief’s assurance that we do not fund and have never funded abortion services or the promotion of abortions. The Bishops’ Conference and the Department of International Affairs confirmed that they were confident that Catholics may continue to support Comic Relief’s fundraising initiatives in good faith. Our commitment remains the same.
Our international funding goes to all kinds of projects – providing education, rehabilitating child soldiers, peace-building, fair trade, supporting street children and a range of other work helping people in the world's poorest countries to turn their lives around.
This includes over £13.6m of grants to more than 50 projects managed by the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) and the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) for work across Africa, Asia and South America.
Yours sincerely,
Aleks Leimanis
Schools & Youth Manager
Comic Relief
Comic Relief’s "assurance that [it] do[es] not fund and have never funded abortion services or the promotion of abortions" is highly misleading. Comic Relief has for many years funded organisations which perform and/or promote abortion - see our
charities bulletin entry dated 6 February this year and older information in our
2006 charities bulletin. Comic Relief has funded, among others:
- the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) (screenshot below from Comic Relief website), the world's largest provider and promoter of abortion
- African Initiatives (screenshot below from Comic Relief website), for a project "on women's rights specifically in the areas of sexual and reproductive health". Such language is commonly used, either as technical language or euphemistically, to denote abortion on demand
- Womankind (screenshot below from Comic Relief website), a radical pro-abortion group which attacks the Catholic Church for upholding the sanctity of human life - see my blog "The Tablet helps radical pro-abortion group raise money"
- Brook (screenshot below from Comic Relief website), one of the UK's leading pro-abortion organisations
- Marie Stopes International (MSI), another of the world's largest abortion providers
- Population Concern, which promotes abortion out of 'concern that the world is over-populated
- Reproductive Health Alliance Europe
- Save the Children (screenshot below from Comic Relief website), which supports abortion and promotes contraception
- Oxfam (screenshot below from Comic Relief website), which has a long history of support for abortion
- The African Women's Development fund (AWDF) (screenshot below from Comic Relief website), for a project supporting "reproductive health" and "sexual minorities". The AWDF charter of feminist principles proclaims its commitment to "Freedom of choice and autonomy regarding bodily integrity issues, including reproductive rights, abortion, sexual identity and sexual orientation"
- Barnardo's (screenshot below from Comic Relief website). Barnardo's runs the Young Womens London Project which offers a 'sexual health service'. Through the service "young women can access a nurse for free condoms, contraception (including emergency contraception) pregnancy testing and advice about abortion/termination." The Barnardo's website recommends the websites of Marie Stopes International and the Family Planning Association, two of the UK's leading abortion agencies
- Terrence Higgins Trust (screenshot below from Comic Relief website), one of the leading lobby groups promoting homosexuality.
This list is by no means exhaustive - go to
http://www.comicrelief.com/how-we-help , click on 'Search' on the bottom right-hand corner of the map, and in the 'Type keywords' box, enter the search-terms "sexual" or "reproductive" or "gay".
It is simply unethical for anyone - let alone Catholic schools - to raise money for Comic Relief, that massive bankroller of the culture of death.
Comic Relief funds IPPF |
Comic Relief funds African Initiatives |
Comic Relief funds Womankind |
Comic Relief funds Brook |
Comic Relief funds Save the Children |
Comic Relief funds Oxfam |
Comic Relief funds African Women's Development Fund |
Comic Relief funds Barnardo's |
Comic Relief funds Terrence Higgins Trust |
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