The ongoing debate about assisted suicide confirms to me that, as long as society remains conflicted about such issues, we have a countless opportunities to uphold the value of human life. It is our duty to take advantage of those opportunities, speaking out before it's too late.
- "[In Oregon, T]here is no method of investigating any complications which may arise during the process."
- "[T]here is evidence of patients finding doctors who are willing to participate — ‘doctor shopping’ is the term which has been used to describe this practice."
- "The experience in Oregon proves that palliative care cannot flourish alongside PAS. The lack of specialised palliative care in Oregon is due in part to their PAS law"
- "Although PAS is legal in Oregon, there is a deep sense of unease about it within the medical profession, and the practice is not permitted within any hospital in Oregon."
- "The provision of end-of-life care in Oregon is different from that experienced by patients in the UK. The Oregon experience cannot be claimed to be a valid basis for any change in existing law in the UK."
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