"I know that the Cabinet or even parliament will not pass any Bill that would legalise abortion ... the legislation would definitely be shot down", Vice-President Musyoka said.
By way of contrast, President Obama, three days after his presidential inauguration, took decisive action to seek to destroy these "African cultural values about human life" to which Vice-President Musyoka refers. Infamously, Barack Obama, whose father was from Kenya, signed an order "that will put hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars into the hands of organizations that aggressively promote abortion as a population-control tool in the developing world" according to the US National Right to Life Committee (NRLC).
The Bill to which Vice-President Musyoka refers is the "Reproductive Health and Rights Bill" which, if passed, will promote and allow easy access to abortion on demand, with virtually no safeguards to protect unborn children.
Southern Cross Bioethics Institute (SCBI) has prepared on SPUC's behalf a commentary on the bill.
Earlier this year Cardinal Njue, the archbishop of Nairobi, called on Kenyan Catholics to "stand firm against this evil of abortion" in a powerfully worded message; and Dr Stephen Karanja, the head of the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association, said about the result of the US election: “They have no business electing a person who is going to destroy our countries. And that is what they have done. This is something that a lot of people don’t realise, that what these Americans do affects innocent people thousands and thousands of miles away.”
Let's pray that Kenya's vice-president, and the Kenyan people, can stand firm against President Obama's neo-colonialist plans: to kill Africa's babies, undermine the health and welfare of African women, and to seek to destroy Africa's culture and values.
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