Friday 28 June 2013

Five-year old Jude sings out for the unborn child

I heard this morning from Margaret Cuthill, who runs ARCH (Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline), an organization which offers help for women, men and families to restore their lives and relationships after an abortion experience. It is committed to exposing the truth of abortion’s tragedy in our community that women deserve better than abortion. It's funded by the SPUC Education and Research Trust.

Margaret was forwarding to me a message she had received from David Joseph McAteer who wrote to her as follows:
"Hello, I'm DJ Mc Ateer, I'm a learning disability nurse. I also compose songs. I was wondering how I could help give a voice to the unborn, so I wrote a song from their perspective. I then got my wee boy to sing it and made a prolife video. I think it is an effective tool in changing peoples mind sets. Please feel free to share this. I have had so much positive feedback about the song already. Many thanks DJ McAteer PS If it saves even one baby, it'll be worth it!"
I repeat David's kind invitation: Please feel free to share this. Let's help David and Jude and their beautiful song to save many babies' lives and to save their mums from the tragedy of an abortion.

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