Friday 1 April 2011

Free morning-after pills in Wales will fail women and children

SPUC has responded to the start of a scheme announced last November by Edwina Hart, the Welsh health minister, in which morning-after pills will be supplied free in Welsh pharmacies.

Anthony Ozimic, SPUC communications manager, told the media this morning:
"Providing the morning-after pill threatens unborn children, promotes promiscuity, and undermines public health. Such promotion has an adverse effect on many young and vulnerable women. It encourages men to see young women as sex objects, who can be exploited without responsibility for the consequences. The rampant increase in STIs may be partly due to greater reliance on morning-after pills. The morning-after pill's manufacturers concede that it may cause an early abortion, by preventing newly-conceived human embryos from implanting in the womb. This is why the morning-after pill is 50 times stronger than the equivalent daily birth control pill. The morning-after pill is one of the many failed elements within the broader failure of the national teenage pregnancy strategy."
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