Monday 29 October 2012

Girls of 13 given birth control jab at school without parents’ knowledge

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Girls of 13 given birth control jab at school without parents’ knowledge
The Telegraph newspaper has found that school nurses have given contraceptive implants or jabs to girls aged between 13 and 16 more than 900 times in the past two years. The schoolgirls' parents were not told about the jabs unless the girls gave permission for this information to be shared. [Telegraph, 28 Oct] Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager, commented: "Such implants and jabs can act as early forms of abortion. So not only are schoolgirls being introduced prematurely into the adult world of sexual activity, they are also being involved in the killing of unborn children." See SPUC's leaflet and briefing about birth control methods which can cause abortion.

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