"If your friend from Africa is opposed to birth control, she doesn't have to use it.Uju replied with a bold defence of Africa against the imposition of contraception by Western agencies which is well underway. Among many excellent things, she said:
It's none of her business, or yours for that matter, if non-catholics in Africa or anywhere else use it.
Your approach is one of extremism and fanaticism, which I find disturbing at best."
"I worked in a major hospital in my country long enough to see first-hand the detriment of wide-scale government or donor-sponsored contraception programs in Africa."
"[T]he cheapest products in our African pharmacy stores today are contraceptive drugs and devices (condoms, etc.). It is even cheaper for a woman to get contraceptives for herself than for her to buy life-saving antibiotics for her child. Why? Because, contraceptives have been heavily subsidised by the big international aid organisations and pharmaceutical companies".
"Today, in Abuja (the capital of my country), Marie Stopes International (prominent abortion provider founded in the UK) have their family planning clinic located on the busiest street of the city."
"[W]hat Africa needs at this time is not a sexual revolution (which has not worked well in the Western world), rather what we need is authentic and sustainable development within the social and cultural frame work of our faith and family-oriented values."
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