Tuesday 22 March 2011

"My Sister's Keeper" is a powerful examination of the ethics of saviour siblings

Every year the International Youth Pro-Life Conference (organised by SPUC and held in Scotland) opens with a film with a challenging message about ethics. This year's conference, held last weekend, opened with "My sister's keeper". It is a powerful examination of the ethics of saviour siblings, set in the context of a family which is being torn apart following a diagnosis of leukaemia. The film, released in 2009 and based on Jodi Picoult's 2004 novel of the same name, features leading Hollywood actors. Films can illustrate powerfully the issues and emotions surrounding bioethical decision-making, when sometimes academic articles can be too abstract to reflect human realities effectively. Do watch the promotional trailer (below) and visit the official website for how you can see the full film.

Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager who spoke at the conference, tells me that the conference was a great success, with young people left thoroughly inspired to go out and be actively pro-life. I'll be sharing more reports from the conference with you this week. 

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