Friday 20 January 2012

Powerful abortion radio drama "suppressed"

I have heard that a very brave Irish radio drama producer, Daniel Reardon, made an extraordinary production of TERMINATION - about the unborn child and abortion - by the writer Brian Comerford .

Reportedly, Mr Reardon's employers, RTE Radio 1, Ireland, did not share his courage, and I'm told that a scheduled broadcast of Brian Comerford's work was "aborted".

The script of this suppressed abortion drama is available for download on Amazon*:

Downloads will be FREE on Amazon tomorrow, Saturday 21st January.

Fiorella Nash, an author and a member of SPUC's research team, tells me:
"I have just read through Termination. The drama switches between the mother and the baby’s perspectives throughout. It avoids any sentimentality by having the pre-natal development side described as though the womb were a machine (this doesn’t sound very good in the telling, but if you imagine a voice-over describing different parts of the process and also the abortion, culminating in the sound of alarms shrieking, it manages to convey the panic and horror without being ghoulish or maudlin).

"Obviously the radio scripts are meant to be heard not read so one has to allow for the technical language of scriptwriting (off-mic, FX etc) ... Nevertheless, I can imagine some of the scenes being incredibly powerful ... "
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