Friday 1 June 2012

Book now to hear Linda Couri, former pro-abort turned pro-lifer, 8 June, Westminster

Book now to hear Linda Couri speak on "The Choice-Driven Life" in London on 8 June. Linda is the director of lay ministry formation of the Catholic archdiocese of Chicago. A former Planned Parenthood employee with experience on abortion issues, Linda Couri will present an inside perspective on the so-called 'pro-choice' mindset. She will address the values, goals and motivations behind the so-called 'pro-choice' movement and offer suggestions with regard to how Christians might best respond to them. Linda is now a sought-after pro-life speaker with unique insights to share. 

When: Friday 8 June 2012, 7pm
Where: conference room, Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street SW1P 1QN (behind Westminster Cathedral).
How: advance booking essential – contact or telephone Catherine on 020 7931 6064. Entrance fee: £5

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