Saturday, 26 April 2014

My interview by Michael Voris

I had the pleasure of being interviewed recently by Michael Voris, the great American Catholic apologist, on his Mic'd Up! programme on ChurchMilitant.TV. You can watch the interview below or on YouTube. I spoke about:
  • the fine work of my colleagues at SPUC
  • the successes and expertise of the pro-life movement
  • the importance of Catholic Church leadership to winning the pro-life fight
  • the geo-political significance of pro-life battle in English-speaking world
  • the effect of international anti-life agencies on developing world
  • the scandal of Holy Communion for pro-abortion politicians
  • the importance of marriage and families for protecting unborn children
  • the need for Catholic Church leaders to speak out against contraception and abortifacient birth control
  • the scandalous appointment of dissenters as Catholic officials

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