Monday 5 May 2014

Stolen Childhood conference tackles child sexualisation

An important conference on child sexualisation held in London last week was organized by the Combined Working Party of the Lords and Commons Child Protection Group. It covered sex education, the grooming and abuse of children through social media, and how to combat bullying and same-sex parenting. It featured Antonia Tully, of SPUC's Safe at School, amongst other leaders.

It's important that parents in particular thoroughly immerse themselves in these dangers to our children. There are already moves in this Parliament which are paving the way for the introduction of compulsory sex education in the next Parliament. Watch this space.

Parents cannot expect the overwhelming majority of church leaders of all denominations to help them in combatting these dangers. On the contrary. This is the tragic reality of the plight of children and of parents in the Church and in the society of the early 21st century.

Prepare for battle!

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