Thursday 2 April 2015

To defend marriage is to defend unborn children

Yesterday evening I was delighted to have the opportunity to speak at the church of Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, at the invitation of the Parish Priest, Fr Alan Robinson.

I spoke on the subject of "Why the pro-life movement must defend marriage or face defeat."

In my talk I explained the profound interconnection between the defence of marriage and the defence of children, born and unborn. The family based on marriage is the natural habitat of children; destroy the habitat and you destroy the environment that children need to survive and thrive.

I also discussed the important research of Dr Patricia Morgan, commissioned and presented to Parliament by SPUC. Dr Morgan demonstrates the disastrous consequences that the redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples has on traditional family structures and, consequently, on the life and well-being of children.

Speaking as a Catholic, I went on to discuss the attacks on Catholic teaching that are now emanating from within the structures of the Church, especially in connection with the Synod on the Family, the second and concluding session of which will take place in Rome this coming October.

I concluded my talk as follows:
At this point in history, observing events in the Church and in the State we have much to be fearful of, yet we know that we can take comfort from the fact that history shows that no matter how grave the crisis, a time will come when the Church and her teaching will stand vindicated, while error and sin will stand powerless and condemned. 
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, in his book Wind, Sand and Stars, writes:
 “Water is worth its weight in gold; the smallest drop kindles in the sand the green spark of a blade of grass. If rain falls anywhere, a great exodus brings life to the Sahara.”
The modern west, and the Church in many other parts of the world, seems, like the Sahara, to be a lifeless desert. Yet, just beneath the surface, life waits to be given the opportunity to spring forth. Faithful Catholics and all men and women of good will worldwide, many of whom we are privileged to work with in the pro-life movement, are the seeds of this new life. Let us pray that the harvest will be very great in the months and years ahead. 

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