Saturday 24 November 2012

Must-read pro-life news-stories, Sat 24 Nov

Top stories:

Savita Halappanavar death tragic but abortion doesn’t save women’s lives
The death of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland is tragic but does not justify allowing abortion, says SPUC. SPUC was responding to claims that Mrs Halappanavar’s death was due to a hospital's refusal to abort her unborn child by inducing labour. According to reports, Mrs Halappanavar was 17 weeks’ pregnant when she came to the hospital in Galway. She miscarried and later died from septicaemia. The case is currently subject to investigations. Paul Tully, SPUC’s general secretary, commented: “The full details of this case are not yet known, so we must await the investigations which have been launched before we can make definitive comments. What we do know is that miscarriage and infection can be managed by proper medical treatment. Abortion is not medicine - it does not treat or cure any pathology." [SPUC, 14 November]

Savita case round-up:
Other stories:

Parents criticise primary schools in Tower Hamlets
Parents in Tower Hamlets are unhappy with sex education in the borough's primary schools. SPUC Safe at School and SRE Islamic have released a report which contains statements from 20 local parents on their poor experiences with sex and relationships education (SRE). The report can be read at Antonia Tully of Safe at School said: "I am supporting parents in this area to protect their children from explicit sex education. [SPUC, 19 November]

  • Why would we want to 'cure' our daughter's Down's Syndrome when we love her just the way she is? [Mail, 22 November]
Sexual ethics
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