Friday, 29 November 2013

Save the Children's sad record of support for abortion and contraception including abortifacients

Save the Children is an international charity, founded in 1919 in Britain, which promotes children's rights and provides humanitarian relief.

In 2012 Save the Children published a report entitled: "Every woman's right: how family planning saves children's lives." The report was produced in the run-up to the London Summit on Family Planning, co-hosted by the Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK's Department for International Development (DFiD), with strong backing from the world's leading providers and promoters of abortion. This summit sought to fundraise money to spend promoting contraceptives, including abortifacient drugs and devices, among the poorest in the developing world. This summit also gave rise to population control themes, along the lines of there being "too many" people e.g. poor people in the developing world. SPUC responded to this dangerous report with a series of researched press releases:
In a letter dated 23 March 2011, David Mepham, then Save the Children's director of policy, wrote: "We do not have a formal policy on abortion. Save the Children does not provide abortions in any of its programmes. However, we believe that there are circumstances when a woman must have the right to seek a safe abortion, for example when a pregnancy would risk her health. ... We do promote the use of and access to contraception including the morning after pill." SPUC comments:
  • Abortion is never safe and there are no circumstances in which abortion is necessary for women's health.
  • According to their manufacturers, hormonal contraceptives such as morning-after pills can act abortifaciently (i.e. cause an abortion), by preventing newly-conceived embryonic children from implanting in the womb of his or her mother. Therefore Save the Children can be said to facilitate and provide abortions if and when a hormonal contraceptive provided by them acts abortifaciently.
A 17 September 2010 Save The Children blogpost on pregnancy in Liberia read: "Most adolescent pregnancies are unwanted and are more likely to end in induced unsafe abortions. The attitudes of parents and that of service providers in the public sector who are not willing to provide services to teenagers compounds their plight."

A 29 November 2010 Save the Children blogpost read: "Save the Children is aiming to pilot a reproductive health education programme in Vietnam, to help teenagers make informed decisions, feel proud of who they are and protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies."

A 5 January 2011 Save the Children blogpost read: "empowerment and rights are essential if women are able to control their fertility. No amount of services or "contraception education" will make a difference unless women’s legal and social status is changed. The UK is also to be congratulated for its strong stand on safe abortion, a controversial topic which needs powerful champions. We are pleased that girls’ education status is seen as vital to improving rights."

A 22 February 2012 Save the Children blogpost on Malawi perpetuates the pro-abortion narrative about the need for liberalised abortion laws to supposedly reduce dangerous back-street abortion. The press release also reveals that Save the Children runs a youth project in Malawi which includes sexual and reproductive health (sex education and contraception) to youth as human rights.

Save the Children's "An Equal Start" report, 2011, includes the pro-abortion narrative about campaigning for liberal abortion laws in order to prevent mothers dying from dangerous back-street abortions. The report also criticises Peru’s 1997 Health Law because it "criminalises abortion"
Save the Children's "Charting the Future: Empowering girls to prevent early pregnancy" report,  2012, perpetuates the pro-abortion narrative that large numbers of women are having dangerous back-street abortions because of restrictive abortion laws and social attitudes. The report also says that "Greater effort needs to be made to make girls and healthcare providers aware of emergency contraception" .

SPUC also had an in-depth entry on Save the Children in SPUC's 2006 charities bulletin which showed that Save the Children has taken clear pro-abortion and population control positions.

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Tuesday, 26 November 2013

My comment on Pope Francis's apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium

In "Evangelii Gaudium" (also see my blogpost earlier today) Pope Francis calls for a bold self-examination by Catholics of how consistent are their lives with the Gospel and with the Church's mission. This need was identified by Pope John Paul II in the context of the Gospel of Life, when he taught in Evangelium Vitae 95:
"With great openness and courage, we need to question how widespread is the culture of life today among individual Christians, families, groups and communities in our Dioceses."
In September, Pope Francis told Catholic doctors that promoting the sanctity of human life is
"a commitment of the New Evangelization".
So it is incumbent upon Catholics to both believe and spread those messages which are contingent on the Gospel of Life, such as the injustice of all abortions, the wrongness of euthanasia, and what Pope John Paul II called
"authentic education in sexuality, and in love, and the whole of life according to their true meaning and in their close interconnection".
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Another excellent pro-life/pro-family Gospel reflection from "Our Faith on Sunday"

On 12 November I blogged about the excellent Gospel reflection on true and false marriage featured in the previous weekend's "Our Faith on Sunday" Mass sheets used in many Catholic parishes, published by The Catholic Printing Company of Farnworth. So I'm delighted to read another equally excellent pro-life/pro-family Gospel reflection in the latest "Our Faith on Sunday. It reads (my emphases in bold):
"We can call Christ 'King' for two reasons. First, because as God, He created us. Secondly because as man, He redeemed us. The gospel shows Him 'buying back' the good thief from his past life, and even assuring him of his place in paradise after death.

To earthly kings and other earthly authorities, we owe a real but limited allegiance. To our Lord, Creator and Redeemer, our allegiance must be total. There is no aspect of our lives about which we may say to Him, 'Here, you may not enter'. If we are Christians, our desire must be that all our actions, thoughts and words should be worthy of Him.

What is true of Christians taken individually is also true of them united in society. Society, too, owes an allegiance to Christ the King. It is only by acknowledging His law and His rights that a society can be healthy.

If we know that Christ is King, we must certainly begin by asking Him to reign in our own lives. But we shouldn't stop there. We should also ask Him to reign in our society. We should pray for the repeal of unjust and immoral 'laws' about marriage and abortion. We should speak the truth about these things, even when it is unpopular. And we must pray that holy Church., where Christ reigns on earth, may be helped by earthly rulers who recognise their duties towards the King of kings."
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BREAKING NEWS Pope Francis's new document addresses abortion, family, marriage

A few minutes ago, the Vatican released the text of Evangelii Gaudium ("The Joy of the Gospel"), an Apostolic Exhortation by Pope Francis. Below are sections of the document which address pro-life and pro-family issues:
66. The family is experiencing a profound cultural crisis, as are all communities and social bonds. In the case of the family, the weakening of these bonds is particularly serious because the family is the fundamental cell of society, where we learn to live with others despite our differences and to belong to one another; it is also the place where parents pass on the faith to their children. Marriage now tends to be viewed as a form of mere emotional satisfaction that can be constructed in any way or modified at will. But the indispensible contribution of marriage to society transcends the feelings and momentary needs of the couple. As the French bishops have taught, it is not born “of loving sentiment, ephemeral by definition, but from the depth of the obligation assumed by the spouses who accept to enter a total communion of life”.[60]

[60] CONFÉRENCE DES ÉVÊQUES DE FRANCE, Conseil Famille et Société, Élargir le mariage aux personnes de même sexe? Ouvrons le débat! (28 September 2012).


213. Among the vulnerable for whom the Church wishes to care with particular love and concern are unborn children, the most defenceless and innocent among us. Nowadays efforts are made to deny them their human dignity and to do with them whatever one pleases, taking their lives and passing laws preventing anyone from standing in the way of this. Frequently, as a way of ridiculing the Church’s effort to defend their lives, attempts are made to present her position as ideological, obscurantist and conservative. Yet this defence of unborn life is closely linked to the defence of each and every other human right. It involves the conviction that a human being is always sacred and inviolable, in any situation and at every stage of development. Human beings are ends in themselves and never a means of resolving other problems. Once this conviction disappears, so do solid and lasting foundations for the defence of human rights, which would always be subject to the passing whims of the powers that be. Reason alone is sufficient to recognize the inviolable value of each single human life, but if we also look at the issue from the standpoint of faith, “every violation of the personal dignity of the human being cries out in vengeance to God and is an offence against the creator of the individual”.[176]

214. Precisely because this involves the internal consistency of our message about the value of the human person, the Church cannot be expected to change her position on this question. I want to be completely honest in this regard. This is not something subject to alleged reforms or “modernizations”. It is not “progressive” to try to resolve problems by eliminating a human life. On the other hand, it is also true that we have done little to adequately accompany women in very difficult situations, where abortion appears as a quick solution to their profound anguish, especially when the life developing within them is the result of rape or a situation of extreme poverty. Who can remain unmoved before such painful situations?

[176] JOHN PAUL II, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici (30 December 1988), 37: AAS 81 (1989), 461.


242 ... Evangelization is attentive to scientific advances and wishes to shed on them the light of faith and the natural law so that they will remain respectful of the centrality and supreme value of the human person at every stage of life."
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Monday, 25 November 2013

New attack on unborn babies in Ireland

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New attack on unborn babies in Ireland [Pat Buckley, 20 November]

URGENT Ask European Parliament committee to vote against anti-life/anti-family report
Today and tomorrow morning, members of the European Parliament's Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee (otherwise known as FEMM) will attempt to resurrect the Estrela report, a radical anti-life and anti-family report sent back to the FEMM committee by the European Parliament's plenary session exactly a month ago - see See SPUC's action alert of 16 October to know why the report is bad and therefore must be rejected: Tomorrow morning (Tuesday 26 November) the FEMM committee will vote on whether to approve the report and send it forward again to the next month's European Parliament's plenary session. Please email as many members of the FEMM committee as possible to urge them to vote against the Estrela report. > Read more and act now

Other stories:

Embryology and stem cell research
  • No siblings: A side-effect of China's one-child policy [BBC, 22 November] SPUC comment: Readers should note that this BBC report is wrong when it states that the one-child policy will now be relaxed. For the facts, read: Reports of a more lax one-child policy in China 'misleading' [CNA, 15 November]
Sexual ethics
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URGENT Ask European Parliament committee to vote against anti-life/anti-family report

Today and tomorrow morning, members of the European Parliament's Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee (otherwise known as FEMM) will attempt to resurrect the Estrela report, a radical anti-life and anti-family report sent back to the FEMM committee by the European Parliament's plenary session exactly a month ago - see See SPUC's action alert of 16 October to know why the report is bad and therefore must be rejected:

Tomorrow morning (Tuesday 26 November) the FEMM committee will vote on whether to approve the report and send it forward again to the next month's European Parliament's plenary session. Please email as many members of the FEMM committee as possible to urge them to vote against the Estrela report. Below, full members are listed first, with UK members at the top. The second list is of substitute-members, again with UK members listed at the top.
Please remember to forward any replies you receive from MEPs to SPUC's political department, either by email to or by post to SPUC HQ.

The European Parliament's Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee (otherwise known as FEMM):

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Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Thousands of Spaniards in 46 cities march for 'zero abortion'

Top stories:

Thousands of Spaniards in 46 cities march for 'zero abortion' [, 18 November]

Parents warned about Ofsted imposing homosexual agenda on schools
Parents are being warned about Ofsted, the schools inspectorate in England, imposing a homosexual agenda on schools.The warning follows a report by Gay Star News that Ofsted is starting to implement guidance, published in September, which judges both primary and secondary schools according to whether they "[teach] about different types of families". Antonia Tully, national co-ordinator of Safe at School, a parents' support campaign, said: “Safe at School warned repeatedly that allowing 'same-sex marriage' in law would lead to the widespread promotion of homosexuality in schools." [SPUC, 19 November]

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Parents warned about Ofsted imposing homosexual agenda on schools

Parents are being warned about Ofsted, the schools inspectorate in England, imposing a homosexual agenda on schools.

The warning follows a report by Gay Star News that Ofsted is starting to implement guidance, published in September, which judges both primary and secondary schools according to whether they "[teach] about different types of families". (See Ofsted briefing, "Exploring the school's actions to prevent homophobic bullying", September 2013. The briefing is part of a zip file of Ofsted documents which can be downloaded at

Antonia Tully, national co-ordinator of Safe at School, SPUC's parents' support campaign, told the media:
“Safe at School warned repeatedly that allowing 'same-sex marriage' in law would lead to the widespread promotion of homosexuality in schools. The law has not yet come into force, yet Ofsted is already imposing a homosexual agenda on schools. Most parents would find it unimaginable that Ofsted is requiring their child's primary schools to give lessons on same-sex families.

Also under the Ofsted guidance, primary schools have to make sure that any child 'born a girl who would rather be a boy, or born a boy and would like to be a girl' feels safe and included. This requirement places an intolerable burden on teachers to identify such children, and seeks to recruit teachers as unqualified psychoanalysts of gender-neutralism."
Antonia issued a stark warning to parents that they have to take action to protect their children from homosexual indoctrination in school:
"I am advising parents to tell their child's school that they do not want their child to be present in lessons which open up controversial gender theories", said Mrs Tully. "Parents recognise that the relentless promotion of all types of underage sexual activity leads to a culture where their children are at risk of sexually-transmitted infections and abortion."
Although parents are legally entitled to withdraw their children from sex education and religious education lessons, parents cannot withdraw their children from lessons which promote homosexuality if such lessons take place within compulsory National Curriculum subjects.

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Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Scottish supporters - ask MSPs to vote against same-sex marriage

This Wednesday the Scottish Parliament will debate and vote upon the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Bill, which would allow same-sex marriage in Scotland. The debate and vote will be on the principle of the bill - the equivalent of a Second Reading debate and vote in the Westminster Parliament. If the majority of MSPs vote in favour of the bill on Wednesday, it will then precede to the commitee-stage for the consideration of amendments.

If you live in Scotland, please write to Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) and urge them to oppose the bill on Wednesday. For information about how to contact MSPs, visit this page on the SPUC Scotland website: Please send copies of any replies you receive from MSPs to SPUC Scotland, by email to or by post to 75 Bothwell Street, Glasgow G2 6TS.

Pro-life arguments against same-sex marriage can be found:
Summary of arguments against same-sex marriage

SPUC in Scotland and across the UK has a particular interest in moves that dilute or weaken the meaning and social status of traditional marriage, not least because it is demonstrable that an unborn child has a far higher risk of being aborted when in the womb of an unmarried mother than a married one. To move ahead in the face of this fact would be to worsen a situation in regard to abortion which both those for and those against legal abortion admit is already very grave.
Traditionally, the State’s whole interest in regulating marriage by promoting permanence and exclusivity has referred to the need to protect the well-being of children. A marriage is not a ‘mere’ deep friendship (which the State does not regulate, and which need not be permanent or exclusive) but is something more. It does not merely concern the sexual choices or emotions of adults, but concerns children and society. Marriage as an institution exists to protect the identity of children and their right to know and be nurtured by both their mother and their father. There is no direct relationship between any same sex union and a child – any more than between a non-sexual union (for example, a union of friends or siblings) and a child. Necessarily, one or both parents will come from outside the union.

Marriage is a pre-political union of a man and a woman (the sexes having a natural complementarity) who make a permanent and exclusive commitment to one another of a type that is inherently fulfilled by the bearing and rearing of children together. This is the fundamental point of the institution, even though many couples do not have children. Marriage is valuable in itself, and monogamy and fidelity are essential to it in terms of providing the appropriate structure for the upbringing of children. Research confirms that children do better, on almost every indicator, when brought up by married biological parents.

The traditional family is the first and vital cell of society, the basic source of human society, and through it is formed our conception of the common good and the relational nature of the human person. Indeed the family is more fundamentally human than civil society, such that one of the duties of any civil society is to support the family and thereby its own stability.

Same sex marriage is damaging to society, as it necessarily promotes the false view that the complementary sexual difference of men and women with its natural link to procreation is irrelevant to the idea of marriage.  Societies throughout history have recognised the importance of traditional marriage and understood it as a unique bond between man and woman.

Moreover, not legalising same sex marriage is in no way opposed to principles of equality or human rights. To recognise the unique nature of marriage and treat it accordingly does no injustice to anyone, whereas redefining marriage by fiat would radically alter the nature and meaning of a fundamental institution – an institution which, by any measure, has been proven to provide the best environment for the rearing of children.  It is no more unjust to deny the title of marriage to same sex unions than to deny it to multi-partner or incestuous unions:  anyone interested in traditional marriage is free to approach it, but traditional marriage with its own specific function cannot be redefined on demand from those who, in effect, want something very different. Justice requires that different things be treated differently:  that the proper character of institutions be recognised.

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Thursday, 14 November 2013

Must-read pro-life news-stories, Thu 14 Nov

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Want to donate to The Philippines? Consider Caritas Manila
SPUC has received enquiries in recent days from pro-lifers wanting to donate to help the people of The Philippines following the typhoon there. Readers may consider supporting Caritas Manila - donation details can be found at:
Please note that the donation process uses amounts in Philippines pesos (PhP), so you may wish to check the exchange rate/use a currency-converter to know what your donation will be in British pounds. Unfortunately many of the member-charities of the popular Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) provide and/or and promote abortion and/or contraception etc. In contrast, Caritas Manila has a webpage from its chairman, Cardinal Luis Tagle, lamenting the passage of the population control bill through the national legislature. [John Smeaton, 14 November]

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Sexual ethics
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Want to donate to The Philippines? Consider Caritas Manila

Caritas Manila protests vs population control
SPUC has received enquiries in recent days from pro-lifers wanting to donate to help the people of The Philippines following the typhoon there. Readers may consider supporting Caritas Manila - donation details can be found at:
Please note that the donation process uses amounts in Philippines pesos (PhP), so you may wish to check the exchange rate/use a currency-converter to know what your donation will be in British pounds.

Unfortunately many of the member-charities of the popular Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) provide and/or and promote abortion and/or contraception etc.
In contrast, Caritas Manila has a webpage from its chairman, Cardinal Luis Tagle, lamenting the passage of the population control bill through the national legislature - see the photo above of Caritas Manila supporters protesting against the Reproductive Health bill.

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Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Sunday Mass sheets feature excellent Gospel reflection on true and false marriage

Many Catholic parishes in Britain make use of "Our Faith on Sunday" Mass sheets, published by The Catholic Printing Company of Farnworth. Last Sunday's Gospel Reflection was an excellent analysis of true and false marriage, in the light of the passing into law of same-sex marriage. The short reflection reads:
"Our Lord reminds us today that the primary reason for which marriage was instituted is the procreation and education of children. To the Sadducees who mock the dogma of the resurrection of all mankind at the end of time,  He shows that their argument against it is of no weight. There will be no marriages in heaven since there will be no need then to keep the race going, as there will be no more deaths.

We are living through a terrible darkening of the mind on the subject of marriage. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that the law of the land has now abolished marriage. If someone were to say, 'by a triangle, I mean a shape of three or four sides' then he would no longer be thinking about triangles, even if he carried on using the word. Likewise, when the law says 'by marriage we mean a conjunction of two adults, whatever their sex', it is no longer speaking about marriage. Marriage is the bond of society; and yet it is no longer recognised in law! Truly, a 'mystery of iniquity' is at work.

In such times, what does God ask of us? Of married people, that they love each other and keep their marriages undefiled and open to life. Of all of us, that we pray, and speak the truth. The present darkness will pass, and Jesus will refute all false doctrines."
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Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Announcing the SPUC International Pro-Life Youth Conference 2014

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Announcing the SPUC International Pro-Life Youth Conference 2014
You are warmly invited, and encouraged, to come to the 7th SPUC International Pro-Life Youth & Student Conference 7th-9th March 2014, Telford Campus, England. We want you to receive the best possible pro-life formation in an enjoyable and stimulating environment. This conference is run over three days, where you can expect the following:
  • A line-up of international experts speaking on up to date pro-life topics.
  • Opportunities for questions, panel discussions/debates so that you can ask and discuss the most important pro-life issues we face today.
  • A top quality range of literature for you to take away.
  • The chance to spend three days in the company of other young pro-lifers in the UK and abroad. You’ll make new friends and learn about the pro-life and student experiences of others.
  • Each day you’ll be served meals and refreshment. These are great opportunities to talk with the speakers and relax with other young adults.
  • We’ll guarantee you entertainment and a reasonably priced bar for drinks. Previous conferences have included films, talent shows, ceilidh bands and dancing.
The SPUC youth blog has a permanent page dedicated to the youth conference: We are now taking bookings. Do not delay. If you’re booking as part of a group it’s best to start organising early. Booking early also means you’ll be able to book your coach or train tickets at a cheaper price, and don’t forget to apply for SPUC Branch sponsored places. Email with your details and we’ll send you the booking form. Also feel free to email us if you have any questions. [SPUC youth blog, 5 November]

Irish referendum on same-sex ‘marriage’ set for 2015
The Irish government has confirmed reports that a referendum on same-sex marriage will be held in 2015. SPUC opposes same-sex marriage because it will undermine true marriage, which provides the best protection for both unborn and born children. Pat Buckley, who represents SPUC in the Republic of Ireland, told "It is absolutely vital that we have organised opposition and this must be arranged quickly as there will be a focused national debate. We need to ensure that everyone who takes part has up to date information and research. In my opinion there is a huge need to educate the public on the facts and it will be necessary to arrange a series of conferences to ensure that available information is being widely distributed." Mr Buckley said that he and others would immediately start "building a coalition of like-minded groups" to address the threat to marriage. [, 5 November]

Courts can’t be "swayed by Christian values" or promote "virtue and morality", says UK judge
Sir James Munby, president of the Family Division of the High Court, has said that only "secular" judges can serve a "multicultural" society, and that judges must not "be swayed by Christian values." Sir James made the comments in a keynote address to The Law Society. Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager, told "This is not the first time that Sir James Munby has used his position to give succour to the idea that the move away from Judaeo-Christian morality represents progress. In SPUC's 2002 case against the British government over the morning-after pill, he used his position as judge to recount the history what he referred to as 'the crusade for sexual enlightenment in England', concluding 'We are at last in the modern world'. He referred to pro-abortion witnesses as 'very eminent medical experts', praised the pro-abortion Family Planning Association to the skies and argued passionately that the state had no right to restrict contraception. Far from being an impartial advocate of blind justice, Sir James is a promoter of the ideology of choice." [, 31 October]

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Sexual ethics
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Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Catholic magazine "Faith Today" prints feature article "My hero Peter Tatchell"

Tatchell protests outside Westminster Cathedral
This month's edition of Faith Today magazine contains a feature article entitled "My hero Peter Tatchell", written by Mike Conway, the magazine's managing editor. Mr Conway is also the chief executive and co-founder of Alive Publishing, which is the publisher of Faith Today, as well as Bible Alive, Catholic Today (the newspaper of the Catholic archdiocese of Birmingham) and books by Archbishop Vincent Nichols and other Catholic clergy. Alive Publishing is also an Official Publisher to the Holy See.

Here is a flavour of Mr Conway's entirely sycophantic interview with Tatchell:
[Conway]: "I recognise in [Peter Tatchell's] approach to social justice and the dignity of the human person echoes of Catholic social teaching which I am, if I may put it like this, very proud."

[Tatchell]: "The more I learned, the more I realised that homosexuality is part of the natural spectrum of human sexuality. It has existed in every society in every era."

[Conway]: "Peter identifies religious fundamentalism as the greatest threat to human rights"

[Conway]: "One of Peter's heroes is Archbishop Desmond Tutu. [Tatchell]: 'Almost uniquely as an African and Christian leader, Tutu has defended Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people.'"

[Tatchell]: "Sexuality and gender issues have been blown out of all proportion by most religious leaders."

[Conway]: "It was a privilege to meet with Peter. He is a hero in so many ways: his lack of resentment, his ability to forgive and not hold grudges, and his love for people without fear or favour, is really striking and inspiring. Peter Tatchell is not only my hero but also my friend and my brother."
The article is interspersed by call-out boxes containing out-of-context quotations from Pope Francis. One box features a photo of Tatchell in front of a same-sex marriage banner. The article ends with the text:
"For more information about Peter's human rights campaigns and to make a donation:"
At no point in the article does Mr Conway even hint at Catholic or other criticisms of Tatchell.

The truth which Mr Conway and Faith Today have concealed from its readers is widely-known: that Peter Tatchell is a leading and most determined opponent of the Catholic Church and Her teachings upholding the sanctity of human life and the true dignity of human sexuality. Mr Tatchell was one of the main organisers of the "Protest the Pope" rally against Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the United Kingdom in 2010. Tatchell said that the rally:
"was against the Pope and his often harsh, intolerant teachings; especially his opposition to contraception, women priests, gay equality, abortion, fertility treatment, embryonic stem cell research and the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV."
Before the rally, Archbishop Tartaglia of Glasgow said that Tatchell’s 1997 letter which argued that "not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful" cast “huge doubt on [Mr Tatchell's] claim to be an expert on human sexuality or a credible critic of the Pope or of the Catholic Church”.

Mr Conway's article is preceded by an "Editor's Letter", in which he says:
"[H]ere is a real issue that we have to face up to. There is no doubt that the media perceive the church as homophobic and condemnatory towards people of different sexual orientation, other than heterosexual. Whereas the truth is that the church is radical in her teaching towards sexual orientation as she simply refuses to identify any human being purely by their sexual orientation because every person is, just that, a person created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26), called to an eternal destiny and loved by God the Father."
At no point does Mr Conway reference, explain or defend the Church's teaching that:
  • "Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder." (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, On the pastoral care of homosexual persons, 1986)
  • "Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered... They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2357)
Mr Conway thus mispresents Catholic teaching on sexuality. This is despite the fact that Alive Publishing :
  • claims that: "Our magazines, books and newspapers are rooted in a vision which is...guided by the teaching authority of the Catholic Church..."
  • reasons for subscribing to Faith Today include: "Be supported by the teaching of the Church" and "Be inspired to stand up for your faith"
I encourage readers of my blog to take some or all of the following actions:
  • complain to Mike Conway: email
  • complain to Alive Publishing: email Post: 124 City Road, Stoke on Trent, ST4 2PH. Tel: 01782 745 600.
  • complain to Fr Seamus Heaney, a trustee of Alive Publishing: email
  • complain to Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham (Alive Publishing is located in Stoke on Trent in the Birmingham archdiocese): secretary's email Post: Archbishop’s House, 8 Shadwell Street, Birmingham, B4 6EY.
  • complain to the Vatican Publishing House (which declared Alive Publishing to be an Official Publisher to the Holy See): email
  • raise the issue in places where Faith Today is stocked e.g. in your local parish, Catholic school, Catholic bookshop etc.
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