Caritas Manila protests vs population control |
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Unfortunately many of the member-charities of the popular Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) provide and/or and promote abortion and/or contraception etc.
- British Red Cross - which works to promote so-called "sexual and reproductive health" in crisis-hit countries, including provision of and advice about contraception. "Sexual and reproductive health" and similar words are used commonly as either technical terms or as euphemisms for abortion on demand
- Christian Aid - which promotes contraception in the developing world
- Concern Worldwide - which also promotes so-called "reproductive health" including condom use
- Islamic Relief - which has an agreement with the anti-life/anti-family United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to promote so-called "reproductive health"
- Merlin - which has supported the Reproductive Health bill, designed to impose population control on The Philippines
- Oxfam - which has a long history of support for abortion (see my 1 March 2009 blogpost re Comic Relief)
- Plan UK - which "support[s] quality sexual and reproductive health education and services"
- Save the Children - which promotes contraception as an answer to poverty in the developing world
- Tearfund - whose "partners at the local level" are left to make "decisions about which contraceptive methods are promoted" (letter to SPUC, March 2011)
- World Vision - which signed a "Manifesto for Motherhood" which called on the UK Government to advocate so-called "sexual and reproductive health and rights" in other countries, including access to 'safe' abortions. World Vision may also have other links to the provision of abortifacients.
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