In his emailed newsletter dated yesterday, Rev Culbreath provides a powerful critical analysis of Barack Obama's first 200 days as president. In particular, he looks at the way in which the black community has suffered under his presidency. He observes: "Abortion continues to remain the leading cause of death in the African American community. Every day in the U.S., approximately 1,200 black babies die by abortion. Every month in the U.S., approximately 35,000 black babies die by abortion. Every year in the U.S., approximately 425,000 black babies die by abortion. In fact, over 14 million innocent pre-born black babies have died by abortion, since 1973. Abortion has significantly contributed to African Americans no longer being the largest minority in the US.
"Furthermore, our research shows that 62.5% (that's approximately 2 out of every 3) of Planned Parenthood's facilities, our nation's largest abortion chain, are strategically located in black communities, continuing to carry out Margaret Sanger's original agenda to exterminate Blacks, according to details contained in her "Negro Project." One would think that an African American President's first order of business would be to move quickly to protect the lives of precious, innocent pre-born Black babies, as well as shielding their families from the all too often long-term physical and emotional aftermath of abortion. But such has not been the case."
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