Friday 21 August 2009

New petition launched by Amnesty for Babies

At present the unborn are facing an unprecedented number of threats to their right to life:
What is unknown, or misunderstood, or ignored in all this, is that international law in fact upholds the equal right to life of all unborn children. Interpreted correctly, the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international human rights instruments, either explicitly include, or do not exclude, the unborn from the same full protection given to all other members of the human family.

Considering the growing menace of abortion worldwide, it is time for a new response which aims to ensure that international law is applied correctly in protecting the unborn. Amnesty for Babies is a pro-life initiative to petition to the international community to:
  • ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child before as well as after birth
  • adopt all measures necessary to protect adequately human life and dignity in the application of life sciences.
Please visit the Amnesty for Babies website, download the petition and start gathering signatures. I hope that people in various countries will gather signatures in public places (e.g. high streets, squares), outside houses of worship, among friends etc. National and regional organisations around the world are invited to become co-sponsors of the petition - contact Amnesty for Babies to find out how. The aim is to present the petition to the UN General Assembly next year.

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