Thursday 9 December 2010

Child sexualisation review should cover lurid sex ed

SPUC has responded to the announcement by Sarah Teather (pictured), the children's minister, that she has commissioned an independent review into the commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood.

Paul Tully, SPUC's general secretary, told the media earlier today:
"Sarah Teather's review of the commercialisation and sexualisation of children addresses some of the deepest concerns that parents have today. But SPUC is concerned that the review should include a look at ways children are sexualised in schools - by explicit and lurid sex lessons for instance. This is more insidious than sexualisation in other spheres and it drives up the abortion rate, especially as secret abortions for girls (including minors) are now arranged through schools, despite the emotional and physical risks to the girls involved. The terms of reference of the review do not make any specific reference to schools.

"Children spend a great part of their lives in the school environment, and are taught to respect school as a moral authority. If schools teach children that under-age and pre-marital sex, STIs and abortion are the norm, they can do more harm than commercial operators promoting 'sexy' clothes or using sexualised images to sell goods.

"The government is right to emphasise the importance of supporting parents in protecting their children. Schools should be encouraged to sever ties with anti-life and anti-family groups, and to engage with parents to ensure that they have confidence to talk about sexual matters with their children."
The recent Jomeen/university of Hull report found that 13-16 year olds preferred parents as a source of useful information about sexual matters above teachers or any other adult.

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