Thursday 1 March 2012

SPUC's comment on the 'after-birth abortion' paper

Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager, has been quoted overnight in The Huffington Post UK and The Sun, commenting on "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?", the pro-infanticide paper which appeared last week in The Journal of Medical Ethics. Anthony said:
“The paper proves what pro-lifers have long been arguing: that the common arguments for abortion also justify infanticide. There is no difference in moral status between a child one day before birth and a child one day after birth.

“Birth is merely a change of location, not a change from non-personhood to personhood. International human rights law makes no distinction between human beings according to various theories about what constitutes personhood.

“All human beings, regardless of age, location or capacities, are regarded in international law as equal members of the human family and thus as having an equal right to life. This chilling promotion of infanticide is a measure of how abortion is creating a culture of death.”
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