Friday 17 July 2009

IPPF affiliate in South Korea goes off-message on population

Choi Seon-jeong is the president of the Planned Population Federation of Korea. His organisation is the national affiliate in South Korea of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the world's largest abortion and population control promoter. One is therefore stunned to read what Choi Seon-jeong wrote recently:
"Religious groups need to advocate respect for life, abortion prevention and positive values on marriage and parenthood, encouraging the younger generation to form families and have children."
His advocacy of pro-natalism - the promotion of an increase in births - is in response to South Korea’s plunging fertility rate, which threatens socio-economic stagnation. Do read his article in full, as well as a subsequent interview by, an online ethics journal.

One would like to hope that this marks the beginning of a split within IPPF, with those more open to honest facts starting to speak out against IPPF's anti-natalist ideology. Stunning conversions of prominent anti-lifers have occurred - Dr Bernard Nathanson and Norma McCorvey a.k.a. Roe of Roe v Wade being the two most prominent.

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