Thursday 29 July 2010

Vatican leader and pro-life politicians send out a shining light in a dark world

Monsignor Ignacio Carrasco (pictured), the new president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, has hit the nail on the head again on abortion.  Two weeks ago I reported on his significant interview with Zenit in which he said there was no scientific case for abortion.

Monsignor Carrasco says today that the new Spanish law on abortion is "an expression of the incapacity to understand what a right is. The problem is serious, not only in Spain".

In the minimum number of words, he sums up the challenge we face in Britain where David Cameron and Andrew Lansley, the new health secretary, have made clear their support for wider access to abortion, under their guise of support for reducing the upper time-limit for social abortions; and where just two days ago, the Coalition government announced plans to step up abortions on the poor in the developing world.

Monsignor Carrasco sums up the problem at the Human Rights Council in Geneva where the Holy See and SPUC have been challenging an extreme, "ideologically driven" pro-abortion report promoting a so-called "right to abortion".

And he sums up the problem in the US where the Obama administration are demonstrating their determination to promote the legalization of abortion worldwide.

Thank God, I say, for churchmen like Monsignor Carrasco who are standing up for unborn babies and their mothers.  And thank God for the politicians of all faiths in Northern Ireland and elsewhere in the world who are signing up to an Amnesty for Babies petition which calls on the international community to recognize its responsibilities under international agreements to:
"ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child before as well as after birth"
and to
"adopt all measures necessary to protect adequately human life and dignity in the application of life sciences".
Such churchmen and such politicians send out a shining light in a dark world.

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