Thursday 26 August 2010

Labour MP plans renewed assault on our children - contact your MP now

Chris Bryant (pictured), a Labour MP, plans to introduce a ten-minute rule bill to make sex education compulsory in schools. The proposal will be debated on 8 September.

Compulsory sex-education is a key objective of the pro-abortion lobby – part of its ongoing campaign to use schools as a vehicle for promoting sexual health services – including abortion.  A similar proposal was of course defeated just before the election, when Ed Balls was forced to drop compulsory sex education clauses from the Children, Schools and Families bill.

As a ten-minute rule bill, Mr Bryant’s proposal has little or no chance of becoming law, but it is an important opportunity to establish the mood in the new parliament on the issue.  New rules on sex education could be part of a government bill later in the year.

It is critical to contact your MP and ask him/her to oppose the Bryant bill and any proposal for compulsory sex education. SPUC has produced a briefing on the Bryant bill and the issues it raises to help you in contacting your MP.  Paper copies of our Bryant Bill Briefing are also available from SPUC HQ by telephoning 020 7091 7091 or emailing

Click here to contact your MP online

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