Monday 30 August 2010

Pope Benedict is coming to "such a wasteland" in Britain

In an interview on Zenit, Edmund Adamus, the pastoral affairs director of the Catholic archdiocese of Westminster, provides a compelling analysis of England in the context of Pope Benedict's visit next month. He says:

" ... whether we like it or not as British citizens and residents of this country ... the fact is that historically, and continuing right now, Britain ... has been and is the geopolitical epicenter of the culture of death ... Britain in particular, with its ever-increasing commercialization of sex, not to mention its permissive laws advancing the gay agenda*, is such a wasteland ...

" ... Our laws and lawmakers for over 50 years or more have been the most permissively anti-life and progressively anti-family and marriage, in essence one of the most anti-Catholic landscapes culturally speaking than even those places where Catholics suffer open persecution."

Edmund speaks of "a time of shadows" which are especially threatening to the family and to the rights of parents and he prays that "the Papal visit will inspire all here, both Church and state, to interiorly kneel before that inestimable icon of the Trinity: marriage and the family".

When Edmund speaks of "anti-Catholic landscapes" and of Catholics being openly persecuted, I would extend that to include, for example, all parents, whatever their faith, fighting to protect their children from pornographic sex education as well as the use of their children's schools by the government, with the co-operation of the Catholic authorities in England and Wales, to promote access to abortion without parental knowledge or consent.

*I wrote recently about the pro-homosexual "rights" agenda and the culture of death. The late Pope John Paul II, the great pro-life champion, taught in paragraph 97 of his 1995 encyclical Evangelium Vitae that it is an illusion to think that we can build a true culture of human life if we do not offer adolescents and young adults an authentic education in sexuality, and in love, and the whole of life according to their true meaning and in their close interconnection.

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