Thursday 11 November 2010

Pope Benedict makes major new statements defending families against (bishop-backed) sex ed

Pope Benedict has today published a new document, Verbum Domini ("The Word of the Lord"), an "apostolic exhortation" on the importance of Sacred Scripture. Pope Benedict has used this major document to underline the prior right of parents to educate their children (my emphases in bold):
85. ... Fidelity to God’s word leads us to point out that nowadays this institution [marriage] is in many ways under attack from the current mentality[,] the rise of ways of thinking which trivialize the human body ... The great mystery of marriage is the source of the essential responsibility of parents towards their children. Part of authentic parenthood is to pass on and bear witness to the meaning of life in Christ: through their fidelity and the unity of family life, spouses are the first to proclaim God’s word to their children.
On Monday, Pope Benedict told the Italian bishops' conference:
“The moral sphere has been confined to the subjective field...In order to invert this tendency, a generic call to values is not enough ... [Y]our decision to remind everyone who cares about the city of man and the welfare of new generations of their education responsibilities seems particularly appropriate. This vital alliance can only start with a renewed closeness to families, recognising and supporting their primary role in education. It is in families that the face of a people is forged".
And yesterday, Pope Benedict recalled his visit to Spain last weekend (where he made a series of strong pro-life/pro-family statements):
"I prayed intensely for families, the vital cells and the hope of society and of the Church ... My thoughts also went to the young, ... that they may discover the beauty, value and commitment of marriage in which a man and a woman form a family which generously accepts life and accompanies it from conception until natural end. Everything done to support marriage and the family, to help people in need, everything that serves to enhance man's greatness and his inviolable dignity, also helps to perfect society".
The statements are yet further major indications from the summit of the Catholic Church that the Catholic bishops of England and Wales' policy of co-operating with the government in the provision of access to abortion to children in Catholic schools seriously deviates from Catholic teaching. Today I've been helping host in Preston, Lancs. one of SPUC's Clergy Information Days. A retired Catholic headteacher there said to me that such a government policy is evil. Nothing is more evil than the corruption of children.

Thank God the Holy Father is praying intensely for us. In the circumstances, we need such prayers.

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